

  1. And, I'm back.

    Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:19:14 UTC from web
    1. @yodelerty Hey

      Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:21:35 UTC from web
      1. @scribble How are you?

        Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:22:18 UTC from web
        1. @yodelerty I'm doing alright, how about you?

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:22:39 UTC from web
          1. @scribble Not bad. Just finished watching the new episode (no spoilers, don't worry).

            Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:24:10 UTC from web
            1. @yodelerty I saw this morning it was leaked. Waiting until Saturday to watch it though.

              Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:25:20 UTC from web
              1. @scribble It'll be well worth the wait, believe me.

                Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:26:40 UTC from web
              2. @scribble Same here, waiting till Saturday, I still haven't heard smile smile smile and I won't give it a listen until I hear it in the show... Or the season ends

                Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:26:54 UTC from web
                1. @purplephish20 Your'e seriously missing out there.

                  Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:31:01 UTC from web
              3. @scribble With me i hope still...

                Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:46:01 UTC from web
                1. @cavatina Of course

                  Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:46:41 UTC from web
    2. @yodelerty you finished the ep?

      Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:25:53 UTC from web
      1. @pony Yup! ^_^

        Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:26:57 UTC from web
        1. @yodelerty It's so awesome! [sp]Ovt Znp naq Purrevyrr ner nqbenoyr gbtrgure![/sp]

          Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:28:23 UTC from web
          1. @pony Yeah, definitely my favourite episode this season. [sp]V'z qrsvavgryl tbvat gb or yvfgravat gb gung fbat bire naq bire ntnva. :3[/sp]

            Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:31:32 UTC from web
            1. @yodelerty ditto!

              Thursday, 09-Feb-12 17:33:30 UTC from web