!theories First order of business. Celestia. fun loving leader, or evil Hitler pony of death? Discuss.
Friday, 17-Feb-12 06:55:07 UTC from web-
@protopony350 !solarempire She's just having a little fun, she's been at this for 1000+ years.
Friday, 17-Feb-12 06:59:29 UTC from web -
@protopony350 If Celestia will hear you're spreading rumors about her she'll send you straight to the moon. I'd be more careful if I was you.
Friday, 17-Feb-12 07:00:36 UTC from web-
Friday, 17-Feb-12 07:02:24 UTC from web
@protopony350 @greatandpowerfuleaglehooves !theories I'm of the opinion that she's kind of god-like and has absolutely everything in Equestria under control. She just chooses to let her subjects handle their own problems to create the illusion of free-will.
Friday, 17-Feb-12 07:03:46 UTC from web-
@swift I don't think she is trying to create an illusion, I think she has better things to do than fix every little issue.
Friday, 17-Feb-12 07:11:09 UTC from web-
@greatandpowerfuleaglehooves Well, that too. Celestia helps those who help themselves.
Friday, 17-Feb-12 07:20:23 UTC from web-
@swift Well, those who write letters at least. She's got a thing for letters apparently.
Friday, 17-Feb-12 07:21:41 UTC from web