I'm from Texas. I drive a bus in the morning, do classwork all day, sing opera in the evening, and watch ponies at night. Life is good.
More details...Clint (swiftkick)
yesssssss, a !college group...
Saturday, 18-Feb-12 07:45:42 UTC from web -
Luna was never actually banished to the moon. Nightmare Moon was, but Luna just opted to stay on the moon for a thousand years because she was so awkward around other ponies. !theories
Saturday, 18-Feb-12 07:05:37 UTC from web -
@equestriandarksun I know that feel. Existential meltdowns. No fun.
@scrollhunter ok, take luck!
@coltonrawrr we're talkin' genetics and philosophy.
@scrollhunter HAHAHA! Like, close relatives? How come?
Does anyone else get philosophical late at night? Cuz right now, I'm wondering about where ponies go when they die... !theories
@macpony55 May your dreams be full of ponies.
@tenmihara Blight Pony?
@scrollhunter Does this count as a flash game? It's flash, and you could spend hours doing it. http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-Full-Version-254295904
@pony What has been seen... cannot be unseen...
@digibrony I liked that... I liked that a LOT... Party Rock Anthem PMV is still my personal favorite right now, though. The editing is just so good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDYzTy6ewMo
@digibrony Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash would love Andrew WK.
@goodguy Well, dang :/
@goodguy Oh crap, really?? I liked it the last time I watched it. What's wrong with it?
@brony001 I know that feel, bro... Which episode did you use? I like to start with the pilot. It introduces the characters REALLY well, and the cliff-hanger makes people want to watch the next episode, and by that point, they're emotionally invested. Also, try showing them Fluttershy Squeaks, Pinkie Pie Foreverrrrr, and Derpy (but you'll have to explain the history of the last one). Then bust out Know Your Meme's coverage of the MLP phenomenon to prove you're not crazy. Your friends will have no choice but to acknowledge the awesome... Wow, I've thought about this too much. !theories #convertingbronies
@brony001 You need to start converting folks! Show them the video of Fluttershy cheering. That's worked pretty well for me.
@derpy128 Maybe Fluttershy could learn a lesson about not letting ponies walk all over her.
@goodguy LAME!... Ok, maybe she just does whatever TJ did in that episode of Recess when he met the one kid that didn't like him.
@goodguy awww yeaaaah... :D
@goodguy not sure, but I bet she sings a song at some point, and I think I know what song it'll be...
@derpy128 But... Daring Do's not real.
@zixinus Howdy! This is pretty much like Twitter, except you use "!" for posts to a group. Also, you get 1000 char, so you got that going for you, which is nice... Now get yourself an avatar!
@trister A lot of people become allergic to it when they get older! I just recently found this out!
@colfax :| ......... I'm a-tarded.
@zimzap Maybe pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies are just made of different materials and densities. Pegasi are less dense (which is why they can stand on clouds), and earth ponies are denser (which is why one was able to pull a whole house).
@zimzap Yeah, that makes sense... Ever since I saw this picture, I started theorizing how they could be in the same world as us... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nqJSBdoPths/Tze_nZF1oGI/AAAAAAAAepM/gXTrmK-7FDg/s1600/2x17mylittleponyfriends.jpg
@trister bronazis?