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!fightingismagic mane6 manesix mlpfightingismagic group for MLP:Fighting is Magic.
MLP:Fighting is Magic (fightingismagic) group
So there's squeestorm going on here because the official My Little Pony page is using/possibly stole a background from Fighting is Magic (the game that stole Hasbro's IP and was consequently shut down). People are saying that Hasbro is now the thief and obviously still upset about Fighting is Magic's shut-down. Some are wondering whether this is a sign that Hasbro has come around and is now cooperating with the team that made Fighting is Magic (Mane6). I think it's just an honest mistake by a lazy page admin. Oh internet drama! How you amuse me! #Hasbro !mane6
Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 07:48:01 UTC from web-
@pony @ceruleanspark a better comparison might be that Hasbro's marketing team gets paid to reuse the same tired vectors for things, so why shouldn't a fan artist be compensated?
of course, I think what happened on FB is likely just a lazy mistake like I said. I don't think the artist deserves compensation in this case unless they continue to infringe.
@pony I found what i think the artist used as reference. I still consider it a unique work however.
Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 14:39:07 UTC from web
@ceruleanspark At least you can report people for being d***s.
@ceruleanspark [Le]ague of [Le]gends is a party game.
@ceruleanspark @nerthos ah I see. This makes sense.
!fightingismagic Steam on their site:
Saturday, 29-Sep-12 02:31:59 UTC from web -
!mane6 I know it was posted already, but asdffghj.
Thursday, 16-Aug-12 18:27:26 UTC from web - LOL whut. and PIKAMENA MODE !mane6
Sunday, 29-Jul-12 04:04:29 UTC from web -
!mane6's new combo video... @_@ Want.
Monday, 23-Jul-12 11:56:16 UTC from web -
!Mane6 Mane 6 Bite Sized Update - Rarity Edition: I was going to make Cereal post this one, but he is at work! Sadly I'm not as good at talking up Rarity as he is, but I do really like her mane! This time around, they have detailed all sorts of things about ponyvilles number one tailor, with a whole pile of concept art and a look into the Carousel Boutique stage. Head on over to the to check it out! >
Monday, 25-Jun-12 02:21:55 UTC from web -
Monday, 18-Jun-12 01:25:18 UTC from web
- Seth Edwards likes this.
@ecmc I love those!
!mane6 that Applejack splash art is papayasing amazing.
Monday, 11-Jun-12 14:43:43 UTC from web -
Monday, 11-Jun-12 02:24:30 UTC from web
!mane6 Totally missed this
Monday, 11-Jun-12 02:22:09 UTC from web -
Monday, 11-Jun-12 01:05:02 UTC from web
@minti I like how they make that whole painting and then pretty much trace over it (after having already worked from a trace!)
Oh yeah. !mane6 Fluttershark is best pony.
Friday, 08-Jun-12 18:29:44 UTC from web- I am an idiot likes this.
@minti fluttershy shouldbe a benthic sea creatiure '-'
@minti I never even realized there was a page break on the Fluttershy BSU.
@redenchilada The more you know.
!Mane6 is looking for a VA for Fluttershy. That means we should get some info on Fluttershy soon! \o/
Sunday, 06-May-12 19:46:55 UTC from web -
Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:48:52 UTC from web
@lyokotravels I was about to post that, and I would have gotten away with it , too if it weren't for you meddling bronies.
Sunday, 01-Apr-12 23:35:19 UTC from web-
@minti man, even Rainbowcrash is getting in on the folin'
!mane6 this is just fantastic
Sunday, 01-Apr-12 15:22:19 UTC from web -
I found Rarity Fighting is Magic Theme xD
Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 19:40:22 UTC from web -
Also since this was removed yesterday. I think. Too lazy to check. MLP: !FightingIsMagic Test build bug video!
Sunday, 25-Mar-12 20:07:10 UTC from web -
Also here, have something totally unrelated.
Monday, 19-Mar-12 01:30:16 UTC from web-
@forestrain I can't wait till the smile project is done!
@pugs911 Me too <_> It's soo much worrkkk. ;p (But it's gonna be awesome!)
@mushi Silly pony... I AM a monocle. My sirness is unparalelled.
I have the most bucked up cupcakes song... WHO WANTS TO HEAR IT!?
Saturday, 17-Mar-12 18:15:57 UTC from web-
@strangestallion I DO!!!! Although you probably shouldn't post it here
@strangestallion I love that kinda crap, give it to me!
@strangestallion Roses are red, cupcakes are pink. WACHAHAHHA CAKE TO THE FACE. !fightingismagic
i tried to make it a point not to join a twitter like site but you all disguised it with ponies as bate and now im here and i like it. grr
Friday, 16-Mar-12 05:14:42 UTC from web-
@minti I only know Tara's user name. Do th others tweet about MLP at all?
@piewizard13 same here. The disguise was good.
@minti you never told me all the groups you made!
Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 22:39:32 UTC from web -
!mane6 Someone named 'Hawk' joined the Mane6 DevTeam. He's a "Programinator/Fm2kTamer". Oh lordy. --
Monday, 12-Mar-12 10:29:06 UTC from web-
@minti Oh boy...
muahahaha creating the ultimate MLP listening mix for driving to work! It will include some bgm's from MLP Fighting is Magic too, and the instrumental for the Cutie Mark Crusaders theme when I'm feeling froggy enough to sing
Monday, 12-Mar-12 00:58:36 UTC from web-
@crusader8 !fightingismagic's music is awesome. xD
@minti I'm also tempted to throw in Flutterguy's rendition of evil enchantress
!mane6 Rainbow Dash pallet stuffs.
Monday, 05-Mar-12 22:52:13 UTC from web -
!mane6 Fluttershy is not OP. Nope.
Sunday, 04-Mar-12 23:04:30 UTC from web-
@minti Nope. Perfectly balanced.
@redenchilada Well Pinkie is god tier at the moment so, yeah that's pretty balanced. xD
@minti Why is the lesser pony OP?
!fightingismagic needs to come out. Now. ;_;
Tuesday, 28-Feb-12 05:10:47 UTC from web -
!mane6 Part three of the Livestream:
Saturday, 25-Feb-12 03:10:02 UTC from web -
i want to play that fighting is magic game D=
Saturday, 25-Feb-12 03:06:37 UTC from web-
@minti Haha I like, anything On my favorite rainbow dash, leaks on moves or combos or such
@bronyalex Uh, his idle stance was shown, a bit of his theme was showed off, it's rockish, other than that nothing.
@minti Yea i've seen her idle stance so far, but the anticipation for this game is killing me. Seeing twilight sparkles trailer and the soundtrack made me wanna play it so badly