

  1. Iceberg210 shared chords for a wonderful song, but, for the sake of avoiding spoilers, we won't say which one. You'll just have to head over to to find out! Make sure to also check out Mr. Mediocre's work that we posted about earlier today in code. !eps

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 04:52:29 UTC from web
    1. @everyponysings Geez. People are getting faster at those.

      Sunday, 19-Feb-12 04:53:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @redenchilada This is true! I think it is even faster this time since the song was leaked a while back.

        Sunday, 19-Feb-12 04:55:52 UTC from web
        1. @everyponysings That would likely explain it. Speaking of, have there been any chords of last episode's song yet?

          Sunday, 19-Feb-12 04:57:04 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          1. @redenchilada Do you mean The Perfect Stallion? We've gotten a couple of versions of that one, go check the Season Two page on the site. Also, not a bot - just writing very bot-like posts!

            Sunday, 19-Feb-12 13:31:34 UTC from web
        2. @everyponysings Also, cool, you're NOT just a bot!

          Sunday, 19-Feb-12 04:57:40 UTC from StatusNet iPhone