a girl I used to "date" died today... good riddance
@zennx That's kind of cold.
Sunday, 26-Feb-12 04:48:55 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@redenchilada wanna hear the whole story?
@zennx I think I'll pass.
Sunday, 26-Feb-12 04:51:15 UTC from StatusNet Android -
@zennx Can I be slightly interested?
Sunday, 26-Feb-12 04:52:15 UTC from web-
@fjack you wanna hear it?
@zennx Sure, not like I have anything better to do. Plus, it's good to just get things off of your chest~
Sunday, 26-Feb-12 04:53:40 UTC from web-
@fjack let's say she hurt my sister enough to make her cry, so I started dating her and in the time that "relationship" existed I distroyed her from the inside, made her hallow and with absolutely no self-esteem, and then I dumped her, she had a breakdown and quit school all together, her family moved after that, 4 years have passed and now she has died...
@zennx You know, while I, being an older brother, absolutely understand the need to protect one's sisters, there's a line. Dude, you sonic rainboomed over that there line. Seriously, that's something Cartman would do, unless she did something absolutely abominable to your sister and "cry" is a metaphor for "reduced to gibbering madness".
Sunday, 26-Feb-12 05:03:29 UTC from web-
@fjack it was close enough, you don't know my sister, she had her leg broken and didn't shed a single tear (she did scream like an angry T-Rex tho), and those tears were tears of pure pain, after I saw that I swore I'd not rest till I saw that girl in a state of misery
@zennx All I'm going to say is that I believe in equivalent exchange. If someone inflicts misery on you, it's your right to inflict equal misery on them, only equal and never greater. Just don't even forget that you'll have inflicted misery on someone at that point, leaving you open to the repurcussions. It's a neverending cycle. Vengeance is a nasty, dirty thing.
Sunday, 26-Feb-12 05:11:21 UTC from web-
@fjack I know what I did is bad, and can be consider anti-social in almost every senario, but did I lose my sleep over it, no I didn't, would I do it again, in a heartbeat, I thought about what I was doing before I did it, when I was doing it, and after I had done it, I know I did the right thing
@zennx If I were to be completely honest, disregarding what I said earlier on my moral highground, I would have to say that there is no good or bad, right or wrong, there is only what you do. As long as what you did felt right for you, then, well I don't think anyone has the right to tell you any different, unless what you did was a crime against nature or something along those lines.
Sunday, 26-Feb-12 05:26:04 UTC from web-
@fjack would you consider plunging a metal shard trough the chest of a car wrecked murderer a crime against nature?
@zennx A murderer? I thought we were talking about your vendetta against a girl who made your sister cry.
Sunday, 26-Feb-12 05:45:13 UTC from web-
@fjack totaly diferent story now, almost 7 years apart, as for her I don't think I did anything that anyone can consider a crime against nature... or a normal crime for that matter
@zennx AS FAR AS I KNOW, no crime has been comitted. Let us keep it that way. I have a non-disclosure policy; you don't disclose things to me, I don't disclose things to you, or about you, or in your general direction, or on fridays.
Sunday, 26-Feb-12 05:48:38 UTC from web-
@fjack suit yourself