

  1. I cannot believe that this site is jumping on the ridiculous, sensationalist bandwagon based around ignorance. that is "KONY". I suspect that people who give attention to this movement are simply those desperately looking for something to belong to, but who do not wish to put in effort into finding a worthwhile cause. This campaign will not change anything. In fact, it might provoke unrest and instability in the very country that they are trying to protect the interests of. I urge you to inform yourself and to not let yourself be swayed by sensationalism and propaganda. Seek the truth and justice. Do not seek to simply belong to a popular cause. What the Invisible Children movement are advocating would only make the situation worse. Less than one third of the funds that the organization has gathered went to African charities. The majority of it went to lobbying.

    Friday, 09-Mar-12 23:09:33 UTC from web