

  1. Hummm… either # must be very poor that it can't afford to port # to !GNU/ !Linux or # users are idi☹ts

    Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 03:57:40 UTC from
    1. @metztli # is afraid of open software. And really, we want this iTunes trash on Linux? I will *never* use it.

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 04:07:23 UTC from
      1. @dno CUPS is the only Apple product I use on my Linux system. Besides that, I don't even want iTunes on Linux either, it's worthless. Clementine for me, even if it means not being able to sync my iPod (oh well, no more Apple products next time)

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 06:52:20 UTC from Choqok
        1. @omni There are Linux-native ways to synch an iPod. Can't recall any off the top of my head since my iPod's battery died, but they exist.

          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 06:57:55 UTC from web
          1. @scribus If you remember them, please tell me, I'd love to know. Clementine should be able to sync but it simply does not work =/

            Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 06:59:04 UTC from Choqok
            1. @omni I'll see if I can find a lead. No promises, though.

              Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 06:59:38 UTC from web
              1. @scribus Thanks!

                Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 07:01:13 UTC from Choqok
                1. @omni Oh, and there was something or another about having to manually browse the iPod's files and delete some kind of lock file, can't recall what it was or why I had to (other than to "make it work").

                  Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 07:03:13 UTC from web
                  1. @scribus Huh, guess I should google that when I have time. Thanks for your help!

                    Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 07:05:23 UTC from Choqok
                    1. @omni No problemo. Hope it actually does prove to be helpful. One thing I definitely remember was that, whatever I actually did, it wasn't all that difficult.

                      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 07:06:20 UTC from web
                      1. @scribus Stuff on Linux is usually like that. "Ugh, that sounds so difficu- Oh, I'm already done?" :P

                        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 07:07:25 UTC from Choqok
                        1. @omni Eeyup. XD

                          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 07:07:54 UTC from web
                          1. @scribus

                            Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 07:09:10 UTC from Choqok
            2. @omni I *think* Amarok might have worked for me, but several of the actual .aac files wouldn't work - only .mp3s did. And gtkpod seems familiar - I vaguely recall working with a program which only synched iPods, nothing else... But those are just things which came up on the Ubuntu documentation and seem to have struck a vague chord in the back of my mind...

              Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 07:02:12 UTC from web
        2. @omni Yeah CUPS, and there's regularly drama over that one too.

          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 12:17:47 UTC from
    2. ♺ @metztli: Hummm… either # must be very poor that it can't afford to port # to !GNU/ !Linux or # users are idi☹ts http://ur1

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 04:09:01 UTC from
    3. @metztli That tutorial doesn't work for me. Never worked on Ubuntu, Debian or Arch Linux for me.

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 06:53:49 UTC from Choqok