

  1. The time is now 11:18 am EST.

    Tuesday, 10-May-11 15:18:45 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @administrator Blimey! I still find that difference staggering. Here I am about to have afternoon tea, and you're all still on elevenses. #

      Tuesday, 10-May-11 15:25:24 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin Elevenses? I'm not even at second breakfast yet! :p

        Tuesday, 10-May-11 15:26:28 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @scribus whatcha up too

          Tuesday, 10-May-11 15:29:34 UTC from web
    2. @rotation Dinner-as-in-midday or dinner-as-in-evening meal? If the former, then "Pfffft, students!"

      Tuesday, 10-May-11 15:45:18 UTC from web
    3. @rotation what about 4th meal!?

      Tuesday, 10-May-11 15:52:46 UTC from StatusNet Android
    4. @rotation its the meal between dinner and breakfast.

      Tuesday, 10-May-11 15:58:24 UTC from StatusNet Android
    5. @rotation You obviously know very little of hobbits.

      Tuesday, 10-May-11 16:05:20 UTC from web