

  1. Guys, I'm in a bind here. I've decided that I'm going to at least attempt to learn how to draw, except: I have NO clue where to start. tl;dr: Help a guy who can't draw a circle to save his life learn how to draw (preferably ponies) xD

    Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:09:49 UTC from web
    1. @minti What do you want to know? xD

      Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:10:35 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Where to begin. I have NO knowledge, but I do have a tablet and such so. xD

        Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:11:30 UTC from web
        1. @minti I would advise trying first with pencil and paper, tablets are far more difficult to master. I'm good with pencil, but just regular with a tablet. Try following lines of semi-complex drawing first, until you grasp how to efectively draw basic types of line. Then start trying free hand or copying stuff.

          Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:13:27 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Blah! I hate paper. xD

            Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:14:54 UTC from web
            1. @minti But it's better to get a grasp of the best way to use your hands.

              Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:15:47 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos The best way is with a big fat stick, of course. #

                Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:16:23 UTC from web
                1. @minti In fact, a sleek and thin pointed one works better

                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:17:07 UTC from web
    2. @minti Start With tracing. work up to freehand/

      Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:10:37 UTC from web
      1. @commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese Tracing eh? Never thought of that. I've been trying all these guides that are like: Draw a circle, now draw the rest of the bucking thing.

        Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:11:12 UTC from web
        1. @minti Well, it's like training wheels. Do it 'til your good then don't.

          Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:12:31 UTC from web
        2. @minti to be honest, that really helps

          Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:12:44 UTC from web
    3. @minti First, draw circles. Then, draw the rest of a pony. Seriously, though... it does tend to come down to simplet geometric shapes, and you just need to put in more practice than I've ever been willing to do.

      Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:11:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @scribus In fact, those guides work for some and not for others. I can't draw anything by following a guide, but by free hand I manage to draw ponies easily.

        Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:14:51 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos I find, when I try to use one, it depends on how detailed it is. Some have enough steps for me to follow well, and others are seriously of the "Circle, then Pony!" variety.

          Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:17:59 UTC from web
          1. @scribus The thing about them, is that they'll work for you as long as you're attuned to that style of drawing.

            Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:19:56 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos Makes sense.

              Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:21:29 UTC from web
    4. @minti practice. period. just try drawing a bunch of stuff and you'll get it down more and more.

      Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:11:48 UTC from web
      1. @policeman Haha yep, just didn't know where to begin. I think I'll try tracing to get the general idea down though.

        Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:12:17 UTC from web
        1. @minti Drawing from references always helps get the shapes in your head, but just try drawing ALL the things. Don't focus on one thing, just draw a bunch.

          Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:16:04 UTC from web
          1. @policeman I plan too, mainly because like I said earlier: I can't even draw a circle properly so.

            Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:17:12 UTC from web
            1. @minti Circles are always difficult to draw. Don't worry about them so much. If you're really wanting things like circles, they'll come with drawing everything else

              Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:21:28 UTC from web
      2. @policeman +1 to that. I was crap when I first started, and now I'm half-decent!!! =D

        Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:16:58 UTC from web
        1. @sebastian1314 hay!

          Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:17:31 UTC from web
          1. @partypinkiestyle Hiya!!! =D How's everything?

            Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:45:33 UTC from web
        2. @sebastian1314 Alot of people felt the same way when they got into the fandom and found themselves drawing more and more. it's weird looking at all the people from the Artists ttraining grounds now doing so well they're consistantly selling commissions and stuff.

          Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:22:23 UTC from web
          1. @policeman , @minti , and @ everyone elso who was discussing it: yeah, personally I just look at images from the show and draw them by eye. You eventually reach a certain level of comfort, and go off exploring on your own (drawing OC's or custom poses/scenes). That's what happened for me at least. I have never used guides; whether this is for the better or worse I know not.

            Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:01:17 UTC from web
            1. @sebastian1314 I just tried that. I'm so bad at it, my god. xD

              Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:01:46 UTC from web
              1. @minti Remember my tip 1? "You are your own worst critic." Also, tracing is NOT a bad idea at first! It can help you get the feel for the curves (a *critical* part of pony-drawing.) =P

                Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:06:16 UTC from web
                1. @sebastian1314 I'm having massive problems with curves. xD Stupid circles why are you so hard to draw!

                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:11:36 UTC from web
                  1. @minti LOL

                    Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:12:59 UTC from web
                    1. @axelgunn ;_;

                      Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:16:03 UTC from web
                      1. @minti No, I wasn't laughing at your lack of ability xD (I'm just as bad, if not worse) I was laughing cuz I had an immature moment

                        Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:16:35 UTC from web
                        1. @axelgunn It's kay. I know I suck. XD

                          Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:18:35 UTC from web
                          1. @minti I do too xD

                            Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:19:39 UTC from web
                  2. @minti If you're using a tablet, that will be the hardest part.

                    Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:13:43 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos Yeah no kidding. I'm just redrawing the lines over and over and over till they're smooth. (x100 tries per line LOL)

                      Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:16:42 UTC from web
                      1. @minti I did too when I started using my tablet. Also, if your computer lags, DON'T try to draw hair. It will suddenly draw three or four massively wide lines in between thin ones, and ruin everything. When drawing curves, the eraser is your best friend. Don't worry about lines stretching outside the intended curve, just do a circular thing and erase all that's not supposed to be there.

                        Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:19:55 UTC from web
                        1. @nerthos , with all drawing really. I tell everyone to ERASE, not trash!!!! It's silly, cause one little mistake and they're tempted to throw the whole thing out the window!

                          Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:24:39 UTC from web
                          1. @sebastian1314 Obviously, you can't do the whole drawing in one try without wasting days on it xD

                            Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:25:43 UTC from web
                            1. @nerthos Eeeyup! I tried that once; I got a clean page off my artist notebook and drew a pony w/ a fine sharpie marker. It. Looked. Pretty. Bad. (in comparison to my other stuff)

                              Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:27:59 UTC from web
                          2. @sebastian1314 but tossing the entire drawing is more passionate

                            Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:35:07 UTC from web
                            1. @crusader8 XD passionate yes, productive no.

                              Friday, 23-Mar-12 04:44:34 UTC from web
                  3. @minti XD Well drawing a freehand perfect circle is nearly, if not absolutely, impossible. Being a mathematical genius and or crazy != drawing ponies. XD Like I said earlier, I just draw what I see, be it from the show or my imagination. Also, trace tracw trace!!! It really does help you get a feel for the curvature. Lastly, if you are serious about it, you need to get a pencil kit and good paper. A plain old 2B won't work for everything, no matter how much range you try to get out of it. Likewise, printer paper is well... For printing! You need a good sketchbook; they are artists' best friends. They never go anywhere w/o them (stereotypical I know, but hey, I always travel w/ mine! XD)

                    Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:21:20 UTC from web
                    1. @sebastian1314 My top tier drawing kit is a 0.5mm mechanical pencil, and A4 printing paper xD

                      Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:22:55 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos XD good ol' days. I remember when that was my exact same kit too! =D It's like the transition from F2P to paid. Ah, memories.

                        Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:28:50 UTC from web
                        1. @sebastian1314 I have good drawing stuff, since I do blueprints and stuff like that (planos de dibujo técnico, para arquitectura, piezas, máquinas, etc.) but really the mechanic pencil works better for me.

                          Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:30:27 UTC from web
                          1. @nerthos Ah si para eso es muy bueno. Pero para sombras y esas cosas, no tanto. Yo siempre uso lapiz mecanico cuando no dibujo.

                            Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:33:51 UTC from web
    5. @minti i have some gides here, if you want

      Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:13:19 UTC from web
      1. @mushi Please. :D

        Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:15:20 UTC from web
        1. @minti

          Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:16:31 UTC from web
        2. @minti

          Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:17:01 UTC from web
    6. @minti BUT NEVER GIVE UP!!! Also, 1) you are your own worst critic, and 2) ERASER not trash can. Erase erase erase!!! You will not BELIEVE the amount of tweaking I do to my linearta before I'm happy w/ them.

      Friday, 23-Mar-12 02:18:15 UTC from web
    7. @conventrix

      Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:18:34 UTC from web