

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @aeniug2 pony?

      Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:39:54 UTC from web
      1. @lyokotravels Well... yeah... but... There are alot of options there, and at this late hour I need to not think...

        Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:41:20 UTC from web
        1. @aeniug2 draw woona?

          Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:43:05 UTC from web
    2. @aeniug2 uh yes. A pic of the second death star exploding then showing Spike in Lando's spot on the Falcon saying "can you explode twice?"

      Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:42:25 UTC from web
    3. @aeniug2 was it you I suggested draw your favorite Princess playing/cuddling with your favorite pet?

      Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:44:06 UTC from web
    4. @aeniug2 I'm a ridiculous SW fan, and I'm pretty sure it hasn't been done. 42 Bothans died to bring me the latest info on SW/pony memes

      Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:44:29 UTC from web
    5. @aeniug2 yeah yeah, just be sure to release several superfluous special-editions down the road

      Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:46:29 UTC from web
    6. @aeniug2 YES!!!! WOONA!!!

      Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:47:14 UTC from web
    7. @aeniug2 unlike my drawing skillz :

      Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:49:33 UTC from web
      1. @lyokotravels yess you haz much skillz.

        Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:50:47 UTC from web
      2. @lyokotravels Still WAAAY better than my "skills"

        Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:53:25 UTC from web
        1. @dlcentaur my years of being an artist and the result is the pic you just saw.

          Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:54:57 UTC from web
          1. @lyokotravels Yeah, I guess it makes it ok. The only reason I wouldn't get it is that my parents think I'm weird for even watching MLP. If I had a blanket/bedsheets like that...I'd NEVER hear the end of it.

            Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:58:03 UTC from web
            1. @dlcentaur oh, my parents don't care . ( lucky me again )

              Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:59:09 UTC from web
              1. @lyokotravels Yeah, pretty much xD

                Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:59:22 UTC from web
    8. @aeniug2 hey der @-reply me with the pic if you can, I'm going to bread

      Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:50:56 UTC from web
    9. @aeniug2 whenever it's done of course

      Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:51:17 UTC from web
      1. @crusader8 Dawwwwwwwww......wwwww....

        Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:51:49 UTC from web
        1. @nlghtmaremoon i imagine best daw would be cewestia and woona flying kites while galloping past their picnic blanket with plates of half-eaten cake slices and cookies

          Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:54:21 UTC from web
      2. @crusader8 Hmmmm k

        Thursday, 05-Apr-12 05:52:06 UTC from web