

  1. You crazy bronies... Sometimes I just can't keep up! I'm used to the old school pony fans... (You guys are more fun, though...)

    Thursday, 19-May-11 21:59:01 UTC from web
    1. @theskyisfalling Im an old school fan. Been into ponies since 04

      Thursday, 19-May-11 21:59:37 UTC from web
      1. @delc17 Cool, nice to know I'm not the only one here who liked My Little Pony before Friendship is Magic.

        Thursday, 19-May-11 22:01:12 UTC from web
        1. @theskyisfalling I got quite a few rares from the g1 and g3 lines

          Thursday, 19-May-11 22:02:30 UTC from web
          1. @delc17 I've got mostly G3s, with just a small herd of G1s. But you know I'm not sure who counts as rare in G3...

            Thursday, 19-May-11 22:04:49 UTC from web
        2. @theskyisfalling I'm pretty interested in the G1 toys but I don't like the show, can I count? D:

          Thursday, 19-May-11 22:03:19 UTC from web
          1. @moonprincess The G1 show, I mean.

            Thursday, 19-May-11 22:03:31 UTC from web
            1. @moonprincess U count. I didn't like the g1 show much either

              Thursday, 19-May-11 22:05:40 UTC from web
              1. @delc17 Yay! :3

                Thursday, 19-May-11 22:06:53 UTC from web
                1. @moonprincess !hug for you

                  Thursday, 19-May-11 22:07:18 UTC from web
          2. @moonprincess Sure, especially if you liked the toys before Friendship is Magic. Either way, it's always nice to know about someone among the bronies who likes the older toys.

            Thursday, 19-May-11 22:08:02 UTC from web
            1. @theskyisfalling Well, the rarest g3 one was Rosey Posey. She was given out at a banquet dinner that cost 150 dollars a ticket. That was the only way to get her. When I got her, she was 350 dollars and out of package, she's worth around 900

              Thursday, 19-May-11 22:09:44 UTC from web
              1. @delc17 Wow, that's expensive! I definitely don't have any ponies that rare.

                Thursday, 19-May-11 22:14:21 UTC from web
    2. @theskyisfalling Old school pony fans? Like earlier generations?

      Thursday, 19-May-11 22:00:36 UTC from web
      1. @rainclop I basically just mean everyone who was a fan before Friendship is Magic.

        Thursday, 19-May-11 22:02:11 UTC from web
        1. @theskyisfalling I never watched any other ponies. My older sister watched the original (I think). According to how she used to play with her toys, it's about ponies teaming up with GIJoes in an attempted to overthrow a corrupt power... I think.

          Thursday, 19-May-11 22:05:00 UTC from web
          1. @rainclop Well, I'm afraid I've never watched the 80's cartoons myself, since I'm a little too young to have seen them on TV. I've always wanted to watch them online, but never gotten around to it... Anyways, originally being a MLP fan was much more about the toys than the cartoons.

            Thursday, 19-May-11 22:11:42 UTC from web
            1. @theskyisfalling I guess so... I wouldn't know...

              Thursday, 19-May-11 22:13:45 UTC from web
              1. @rainclop And see, that's one of the reasons why hanging out with the newer fans can feel so weird to me... Some of them don't even like the toys of the Friendship is Magic characters, let alone any others. Liking the cartoon but not any of the toys is just so difficult for me to wrap my mind around...

                Thursday, 19-May-11 22:18:59 UTC from web
                1. @theskyisfalling I like the toys without the real hair.

                  Thursday, 19-May-11 22:20:12 UTC from web
                  1. @rainclop But the hair is such an integral part of a My Little Pony! It can be a huge pain, though, so I understand this sentiment. Still seems so strange to me...

                    Thursday, 19-May-11 22:25:20 UTC from web
                    1. @theskyisfalling But it looks really girly for me to have a pony with hair...

                      Thursday, 19-May-11 22:26:52 UTC from web
                      1. @rainclop Someone who is truly manly is not afraid to be seen brushing a pretty pony's hair! Hee hee... I'm a bit of a girly-girl, though, so luckily I've never had to worry about that kind of stuff.

                        Thursday, 19-May-11 22:31:46 UTC from web
                        1. @theskyisfalling I knew there was atleast one girl on this site!

                          Thursday, 19-May-11 22:32:56 UTC from web
                          1. @rainclop Girl power! Ha ha, it amuses me greatly that MLP fans are now often assumed to be male rather than female.

                            Thursday, 19-May-11 22:38:04 UTC from web
                            1. @theskyisfalling Oh God... How did that suddenly dawn on me now?! Oh man, I kinda feel bad; it's like in elementary school boys think girls ruin everything and girls think boys are too stupid to make anything work.

                              Thursday, 19-May-11 22:39:41 UTC from web
                        2. @theskyisfalling I've taken my applejack to a restaurant and brushed her hair in front of total strangers.

                          Thursday, 19-May-11 22:33:26 UTC from web
                          1. @delc17 I do stuff like that! No one ever seems to care, but then the town I live in is pretty easy-going.

                            Thursday, 19-May-11 22:39:32 UTC from web
                        3. dear @theskyisfalling, how I girly-girl?

                          Thursday, 19-May-11 22:33:47 UTC from web
                2. @theskyisfalling The toys themselves are fine for me, I just dislike their inaccuracies. And they're rather small compared to the other generations. Or at least it seems like they are. /buttingin

                  Thursday, 19-May-11 22:20:15 UTC from web
                  1. @moonprincess They are smaller. And you know, technically you could say that the /cartoon/ is the one with the inaccuracies, since the toys are the main focus... Or at least that's how it used to be... (The hair on the Rainbow Dash toys does drive me crazy though.)

                    Thursday, 19-May-11 22:28:15 UTC from web
                    1. @theskyisfalling I still say they're inaccurate! D: This reminds me that I wish I knew where my G3 ponies went.

                      Thursday, 19-May-11 22:30:23 UTC from web
                      1. @moonprincess All my G3s are packed away at the moment, but I should /finally/ get a place to put them soon... I can't wait to see them all again!

                        Thursday, 19-May-11 22:33:17 UTC from web
    3. @theskyisfalling That's cuz we're so awesome!!!

      Thursday, 19-May-11 22:01:00 UTC from web
      1. @loak Ha ha, yes you are.

        Thursday, 19-May-11 22:02:32 UTC from web
        1. @theskyisfalling ^.^

          Thursday, 19-May-11 22:03:31 UTC from web