

  1. What is up with the sudden increase in hostility between PC/Console gamers. PC gamers mad about the new generation of consoles?

    Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 22:52:24 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark The Le Reddit circlejerk reached maximum capacity

      Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 22:53:35 UTC from web
    2. @ceruleanspark they say they only like seeing the console gamesrs fight each other

      Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 22:53:43 UTC from web
    3. @ceruleanspark I dunno, but it's like you can't even go near any place where people discuss gaming. It's ridiculous.

      Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 22:53:53 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx What's that? Your opinion is different to mine?It's stupid AND you're wrong and you don't even know how to videogames

        Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 22:54:45 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark You mentioned a platform that I'm not fond of? Excuse me while I act like a child and cause internet drama because my life is so devoid of interesting occurrences that I have to find strangers on the internet to argue with

          Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 22:57:41 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx I should put that in our google ads. "Life devoid of interesting occurences? Incomplete? Find strangers to argue with at"

            Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 22:58:36 UTC from web
            1. @ceruleanspark I say go for it.

              Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 23:03:18 UTC from web
    4. @ceruleanspark I don't get it myself. I mean it's all for games anyway. How you play it shouldn't matter.

      Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 22:54:13 UTC from web
      1. @coffeecream Of course you'd say that, dirty [platform] peasant.

        Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 23:02:29 UTC from web
    5. @ceruleanspark It's an endless cycle of mad and butthurt. PC gamers will get mad for a year due to new consoles, then everything will be normal for a few years, and then console gamers will get mad because PC graphics are far better.

      Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 22:54:51 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Graphics totally don't matter guys except when it helps my side win an internet argument. Then they totally matter

        Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 22:56:20 UTC from web
    6. @ceruleanspark See, this is why I don't care about what console I play games on. Does a game come out on Xbox? Sure, I'll play that. Can my PC run it? Sure, even better. At the end of the day it doesn't matter because it's all the same anyhow.

      Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 22:57:07 UTC from web
    7. @snowcone I have to actively avoid certain places on the internet because internet drama is one of those things that make me feel like my health would improve if I switched it with smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. But perhaps that's just me.

      Tuesday, 19-Nov-13 23:02:33 UTC from web