Why nopony speaking to me D:
Thursday, 10-May-12 14:14:00 UTC from web-
@themailmare I'm Speaking to you! :) how are you?
@derpyshy DERPYSHY :DD
@derpyshy i'm good :3, how about you?
@themailmare DERPY! :D:D I'm sick, so please dint jug me ;)
@derpyshy I hate being sick, I hope you feel better soon :3
@themailmare Me too... Being sick is boring, and icky :(
@derpyshy But it has its ups :D, like sleeping all day and doing no school -w-
@themailmare Yup ^w^ But I just slept 4 hours, so Im not really sleepy :/
@derpyshy Hehehe X3
@themailmare *tap*
@derpyshy *Blushes* -///-
@themailmare wut is dat face? ô_õ
@derpyshy I told you this before silly X3, its a blushing face with its eyes closed X3
@themailmare ok. Can I tap it aga- okay.^_^;
@derpyshy *Blushes* D: -///-
@themailmare but... I didn't do it!
@derpyshy I know, I was blushing on the idea of it :)
@derpyshy You there :o?
@themailmare oh! Sorry, my lil' bro showed me an android-version of Temple Run... 10 minutes already???
@derpyshy X3
@themailmare want... 20 minutes :O
@themailmare wait*
@themailmare *blush* =3
@derpyshy :3
@themailmare tap my nose :3
@derpyshy Okay *Taps nose* :)
@themailmare *sneeze* Oops...
@derpyshy I found your sneezing button >:D
@themailmare oh no D:
@derpyshy Don't worry I wont tap it at all :3
@themailmare Ah, it's ok ;)
@derpyshy Hehehe X3
@themailmare -squee- ... I haven't listened to ponymusic in 12 hours! :O
@derpyshy *Wants someone to tap my nose*
@derpyshy Put some on :D
@themailmare may I have this tap? *bows*
@derpyshy Hehehe 3, sure
@themailmare *tap* :3
@derpyshy *Blushes* o///o :3
@derpyshy You there :o?
@themailmare yes... :'(
@derpyshy Whats wrong D:
@themailmare I'td everything... :(
@derpyshy :o?
@themailmare It's everything, I meant.
@derpyshy D:
@derpyshy I really wish, I'd not have to leave now. Normally, you can always talk with me when you are down.
@hakupony Thanks :')
@themailmare It's ok... :)
@themailmare You left?
@carcino Yup :3
@themailmare Didn't notice.
@carcino Cause I'ma ninja Ditsy :3
@themailmare Ok. What are you doing? ...
@themailmare So what's it like being a human horse.
@derpyshy Chatting :3
@carcino Like being a human, but living in Equestria full of humans :3
@themailmare I would definitely join you, if I was in a better mood :)
@derpyshy Just tell me whats wrong :'(
@themailmare Sounds complicated. How do you fly.
@carcino We have wings, and the unicorn humans, have wands, but the stronger magic users don't need them.
@themailmare I don't know how to explain It :/ Thanks for caring though :) #GiganticHug
@themailmare Hm.
@themailmare Ever get sauced?
@carcino What D:
@themailmare Have a drink.
@derpyshy *Hugs back*
@themailmare Thanks :) I feel 10% better now :)
@carcino I don't drink though
@derpyshy Turn that 10 and add 90% >:L
@themailmare Well why the hell not?
@carcino Drinking is for people who feel sad, and i'm always happy :D
derpyshy / chem likes this. -
@themailmare Good Idea :) but it's not that easy, sadly...
@derpyshy Why not D;
@themailmare ..You saying I have a problem?
@carcino You keep saying I took your pants when I didn't =/
@themailmare It just Isn't... *is 19% better*
@themailmare I'm pretty sure you did.
@derpyshy :(
@carcino =/
@themailmare awww... don't be sad! #hug
@themailmare Don't give me that. Until proven wrong, I'll hold it as truth.
@derpyshy *Hugs back*
@carcino >=/
@themailmare -w- *is 19.99% better*
@derpyshy Flip that upside down, and its 66.61* and invert it and that will make it 99.91% :)
@themailmare but... then I will skip 20 D: *is 19.999% better*
@themailmare Are we friends yet?
@carcino I want to be friends but you keep sending out lies that I stole your pants :(
@themailmare Prove me wrong.
@carcino For one I don't wear pants, I wear shorts and nothing else, that and skirts sometimes
@themailmare and paperbags? :P
@derpyshy X3
@themailmare He's a Pantibal!
@themailmare That's kinda hot.
@carcino No, skirts are cool!
@derpyshy Skirts are hot yo. When done right.
@carcino No, they're cool! There's nothing that covers the legs! *shivers*
@derpyshy I'll cover them legs. Mhm. Went there.
@carcino But how in de hay can skirts be hot, then?
@carcino Oh, of course I wear other stuff to but, i never wear pants -///-
@derpyshy Girls in Skirts are hot.
@themailmare I think you should... @cacarino is creepy :/
@themailmare Well we can certainly be friends.
@carcino No, they're cool!
@carcino :D
@derpyshy xD
@derpyshy Not literally.
@themailmare What next.
@themailmare Hurry! *throws pants to you*
@derpyshy D:
@carcino I don't know, I'm bored =/
@carcino :)
@derpyshy *throws back*
@themailmare Ok, then ^_^ but be careful around @cacarino
@themailmare Well let's fix that.
@derpyshy Sexy.
@carcino I am? -squee-
@carcino How :o?
@derpyshy not you. Skirts.
@themailmare I don't know, I'm in at school, how are YOU going to solve it?
@derpyshy I will X3
@carcino I have no idea X3
@carcino ok. *hands you a pile of skirts*
@themailmare I think I know! Do you have a !OMGPOP account?
@derpyshy Whats that :o?
@themailmare Come on.
@derpyshy Uh?
@themailmare You know how Facebook-games are, right? It's basically a site made specifically for small fun games Luke that, just 20%cooler, and they're all online-games :)
@carcino You said you like skirts ^_^
@derpyshy Oh :o
@derpyshy Girls wearing skirts.
@themailmare it night sound like "Meh..." but it's actually pretty good :) I don't have the link on my phone, but just Google "Omgpop"
@carcino POOF! you are a girl!
@derpyshy Okay will do, but not now though, i found something to do
@themailmare xD YouTube, right? :)
@derpyshy Yes xD
@derpyshy That ain't me.
@themailmare I thought so :P what video?
@carcino SHAME...
@derpyshy Smile smile smile :3
@themailmare :D by the way... I... am.... #SUPERHAPPY NOW! :D
@derpyshy I did this 2 days ago X3
@derpyshy :D
@themailmare You got told a secret?
@derpyshy Hmm?
@themailmare did you hear a secret, 2 days ago?
@derpyshy No :o?
@themailmare what do you mean?
@derpyshy I never hear any secret :o
@themailmare what did you do 2 days ago, then?
@derpyshy I don't know X3
@derpyshy OH, the picture didn't show up for you X3
@derpyshy this is a twinings Apple, cinnamon & raisin tea :3
@largist MMMMAJHDSKBMMMMyUM!!!!! :3
@themailmare It did! it looks like you're being told a secret :P
@derpyshy Oh, Lyra Heartstrings is Kissing Roseluck X3
@themailmare Oh! Gongrats! ^_^
@derpyshy exactly :3
@derpyshy Uh, I'm Ditsy X3, not Roseluck hehehe
@largist yup. I drink Sweet Apple Pie-Tea for the most part :3 I also like Blueberry, Earl Grey, Apple & Cinnamon, Strawberry, Raspberry, Orange, Citrus Fruits, Indian Chai, Green tea. Basically, every tea :P
@derpyshy lol! same here :3
@largist TEA-HOOF!
@derpyshy TEA-HOOF!! xD
@largist :3