

  1. And then I missed the premiere. Netflix doesn't have it yet. I' tored and my feet are cold.

    Sunday, 24-Nov-13 18:08:04 UTC from web
    1. @potatow Fell ill the NIGHT BEFORE the premiere.

      Sunday, 24-Nov-13 18:08:51 UTC from web
    2. @potatow Bronies don't have a concept of intellectual property, so you can probably find it on YouTube.

      Sunday, 24-Nov-13 18:09:31 UTC from web
      1. @mrmattimation It's not that they don't have a concept of intellectual property; it's that they understand that not everybody can afford to pay $1,000,000 a month for cable + an additional HUB-related channel package just to see one !$#%ing show once every Saturday for 25 weeks. Not everyone has easy access to the HUB. Plus, Hasbro has been extremely lax about the YouTube uploads on purpose (regarding their legal department) because they know it helps them sell their toys - and since that's the REAL point of the show, they're not C&Ding as many people as they have the potential to serve.

        Sunday, 24-Nov-13 18:25:27 UTC from web
        1. @clayinthecarpet wow

          Sunday, 24-Nov-13 18:29:47 UTC from web
      2. @mrmattimation I guess since the show isn't broadcast in this country I should just leave the fandom.

        Sunday, 24-Nov-13 18:31:46 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark I'm not saying it doesn't benefit people outside the country.

          Sunday, 24-Nov-13 18:37:05 UTC from web
      3. @mrmattimation Yeah, because it's really nice to be an active member of one or more fan communities and have to wait a year or more for a crappy dub of an episode after you've read in-depth descriptions of each episode since it's way past any reasonable spoiler rule timer.

        Sunday, 24-Nov-13 18:35:02 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos That, too. Didn't think about that.

          Sunday, 24-Nov-13 18:36:37 UTC from web