

  1. Aww I thought this weeks was a good eppisode untill Digibrony just tore it apart (are we still in the spoiler window?)

    Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:23:19 UTC from web
    1. @vcgriffin No matter what Digi says, I enjoyed the crap out of that ep. *watches him anyway*

      Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:23:53 UTC from web
    2. @vcgriffin So that guy is known as Digibrony... ohkay...

      Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:24:08 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker just coppied his name from his youtube, not trying to lable him with one name or another

        Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:25:00 UTC from web
        1. @vcgriffin Well I remember his OC from when he was being mean to Season 2.

          Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:26:16 UTC from web
    3. @vcgriffin Oh no, somebody had an opinion, guess I better change mine to match theirs :(

      Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:24:30 UTC from web
      1. @1pony4all or he actively agreed with what the person said and suddenly he felt differently about it?

        Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:26:27 UTC from web
        1. @scoot in other words... changed his opinion?

          Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:27:04 UTC from web
          1. @1pony4all not to match theirs nor because theirs was different, but because they agreed and suddenly thought about it from a different perspective. You implied he did it because he had to match their opinion, when in reality he might just have agreed with him.

            Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:28:21 UTC from web
          2. @1pony4all to cut this short, the part I agreed with was 'This is wonderfull dialog, it is about somthing' and then I realised that the eppiosde though great fun had terriable dialog.

            Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:28:37 UTC from web
      2. @1pony4all @clayinthecarpet still thought it was a realy fun eppisode. Just like to get better depth perception from others. If I was going to change my views to fit in, I dont think I would be here in the first place

        Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:26:49 UTC from web
        1. @vcgriffin I'm not saying you're trying to fit in, I'm just saying think for yourself, if you liked the episode, why should want somebody said about it make you change your mind? enjoy what you like, that 90% of what this fandom is all about

          Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:28:53 UTC from web
        2. @vcgriffin Well yeah, but not every ep can be deep, dark, and meaningful. It IS a kids' show overall and needs some light-hearted romps. I forgive it for being a worthless episode.

          Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:30:12 UTC from web
          1. @clayinthecarpet I enjoyed it all the more for it

            Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:30:35 UTC from web
            1. @vcgriffin Yep! XD I enjoyed all the interactions. Also, the scenery and camera angles were amazing sometimes.

              Monday, 02-Dec-13 20:31:01 UTC from web