

  1. !eqg So the My Little Karaoke folks have released a disc with a bunch of new songs for their game. Pretty sweet, eh?

    Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:36:11 UTC from web
    1. @equestriagaming Just wait till Hasbro forces them to change the lyrics and melody of the song.

      Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:37:37 UTC from web
      1. @flamingpandaomg Just wait until Hasbro does nothing at all, like they've done with the vast majority of released pony fangames.

        Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:39:23 UTC from web
        1. @equestriagaming Noting Starswirl Academy and Fighting is Magic, which are the only two pony fangames that I've looked forward to.

          Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:39:55 UTC from web
          1. @flamingpandaomg Those are the only examples you can name. In contrast, I can name tons that /haven't/ had anything done to them copyright-wise.

            Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:42:36 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada I don't care about any of the other fangames though. The only two I actually got hyped about got interfered with.

              Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:44:36 UTC from web
              1. @flamingpandaomg I tend to find that the fangames I enjoyed the most were small, relatively unknown projects that most people overlooked in favour of the big stuff like Fighting is Magic.

                Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:46:37 UTC from web
              2. @flamingpandaomg That doesn't mean /every/ fangame's going to get the hammer brought down on it. Stop whining about C&Ds.

                Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:47:32 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada @flamingpandaomg I've been doing this for over two years (the site is nearing its third anniversary), and I've only seen around four or five fangames hit with legal action from Hasbro.

                  Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:49:53 UTC from web
                  1. @equestriagaming what do you think makes the difference between those that do and don't get C&D'd?

                    Friday, 20-Dec-13 17:00:18 UTC from web
                    1. @pony The vast majority of the cases included "My Little Pony" in the title: MLP: Fighting is Magic, MLP:Online, etc. Equestria Tales was a notable exception because the poor sod actually asked Hasbro for permission, and they responded by shutting him down.

                      Friday, 20-Dec-13 17:03:02 UTC from web
                      1. @equestriagaming huh.. What was Equestria Tales?

                        Friday, 20-Dec-13 17:04:15 UTC from web
                    2. @pony MLP Online got it for careless branding (a game with that name can easily be mistaken for an official product, and I'm sure Hasbro doesn't want that). Fighting is Magic got it because they were slated to appear at EVO (which is the exact opposite audience that Hasbro wants the show affiliated with and would damage their brand). The general pattern is that games that actually threaten their brand are the ones that get targeted.

                      Friday, 20-Dec-13 17:03:44 UTC from web
                      1. @redenchilada hmm.. meh.

                        Friday, 20-Dec-13 17:07:03 UTC from web
                2. @redenchilada But I won't though.

                  Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:52:54 UTC from web
                  1. @flamingpandaomg It's the most annoying thing you could possibly do.

                    Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:54:05 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada I doubt that.

                      Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:55:11 UTC from web
                      1. @flamingpandaomg It's annoying.

                        Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:57:03 UTC from web
                      2. @flamingpandaomg Ever taken a look at Equestria Daily's comment section whenever a fangame is posted? There's always a group of people that will ask "why do the developers even bother when they'll just get a C&D anyways", and quite frankly it gets on everyone's nerves (especially since they're wrong most of the time).

                        Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:59:39 UTC from web
                        1. @equestriagaming @redenchilada except it actually gets on my nerves that they interfered and I've complained once now instead of every time a game's posted, and the last time I checked I was allowed to complain. Pretty sure.

                          Friday, 20-Dec-13 17:02:39 UTC from web
    2. @equestriagaming >download in ISO format
      Why. What the hell's wrong with a simple ZIP archive.

      Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:39:00 UTC from web
    3. @snowcone The operator of this EqG feed is Tuxxy, otherwise known as "the only guy who's actually posted stuff in the past few months".

      Friday, 20-Dec-13 16:47:19 UTC from web