

  1. ☭ is the best unicode character. (Apologies in advance to anyone whose computer is too backwards to display it, assuming that even turns out to be the case for anyone.)

    Sunday, 13-May-12 03:27:28 UTC from web
    1. @bitshift My command prompt won't display it. :c

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:28:23 UTC from IdentiCurse
      1. @redenchilada Command prompt is possibly the most backwards thing RDN can currently be displayed in, so I am unsurprised by this.

        Sunday, 13-May-12 03:29:24 UTC from web

          Sunday, 13-May-12 03:30:10 UTC from IdentiCurse
          1. @redenchilada How do you do that, and more importantly, why?!

            Sunday, 13-May-12 03:30:43 UTC from web
            1. @eaglehooves I'm using the program right now. It's probably the best way for me to browse RDN on this computer, since the keyboard interface blah blah, plus I can go whine to @bitshift when it doesn't work right. c:

              Sunday, 13-May-12 03:32:32 UTC from IdentiCurse
          2. @redenchilada Some really nerdy guy on the deepest levels of the internets is browsing with just curl alone. So, your argument is invalid.

            Sunday, 13-May-12 03:31:23 UTC from web
            1. @minti I have browsed via a Python shell before, but that was mostly because I was testing my library at the time. :)

              Sunday, 13-May-12 03:32:30 UTC from web
              1. @bitshift Pfft. xD

                Sunday, 13-May-12 03:33:37 UTC from web
            2. @minti I was trying to post to RDN with a handwritten Java app at one point, but I couldn't get the POST to send properly. :c

              Sunday, 13-May-12 03:34:39 UTC from IdentiCurse
      2. @redenchilada You need to get a better terminal. #

        Sunday, 13-May-12 05:26:20 UTC from IdentiCurse
        1. @bitshift @redenchilada Or a better font. I recommend DejaVu, best terminal font I've found thus far. If it is in fact an issue with the terminal, then I recommend urxvt (may also be called rxvt-unicode by your package manager)

          Sunday, 13-May-12 06:14:35 UTC from web
          1. @toksyuryel >package manager >Dude, I'm on Windows.

            Sunday, 13-May-12 06:15:56 UTC from web
          2. @toksyuryel Given @redenchilada is using the Windows Command Prompt, I'd bet that's where the problem lies.

            Sunday, 13-May-12 06:17:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          3. @toksyuryel Interestingly, there is a urxvt build for Windows, and it's pretty nice (once customized; urxvt's default colours look like apples).

            Sunday, 13-May-12 06:19:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @bitshift Oh yeah, I customized the crap out of my urxvt. Though most of the color customization is actually in my shell's configuration.

              Sunday, 13-May-12 06:22:13 UTC from web
    2. @bitshift dude it's a bird wtf

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:28:48 UTC from IdentiCurse
      1. @redenchilada It's not a bird, it's a hammer and sickle.

        Sunday, 13-May-12 03:30:22 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos shut up your opinion is wrong

          Sunday, 13-May-12 03:31:06 UTC from IdentiCurse
          1. @redenchilada My opinion is the rightest.

            Sunday, 13-May-12 03:37:18 UTC from web
    3. @bitshift It's unicode. Wouldn't your computer need to be hilariously backward to not display it?

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:29:00 UTC from web
      1. @eaglehooves I assume so, yes. I guess maybe some people lack a suitable font, but otherwise...?

        Sunday, 13-May-12 03:30:38 UTC from web
    4. @bitshift ಠ is the best unicode character ever. Without it I couldn't do this: ಠ_ಠ

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:29:14 UTC from web
    5. @bitshift I am amused by the fact that that exists.

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:29:22 UTC from web
    6. @bitshift Hammer and sickle?

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:30:06 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Yes. Not sure if that's what it's _meant_ to be, but the fact it at least looks like it amuses me to no end.

        Sunday, 13-May-12 03:31:19 UTC from web
      2. @nerthos Ok, having zoomed in, I can confirm it is indeed _meant_ to be a hammer and sickle. This is even better. :)

        Sunday, 13-May-12 03:36:11 UTC from web
    7. @conventrix I have no idea, I'm just copy-paste'ing it right now.

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:33:15 UTC from web
    8. @conventrix can i spam again

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:35:22 UTC from web
    9. @conventrix ok lllol sry

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:37:40 UTC from web
    10. @conventrix ☭ Da, comrade. ☭

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:41:40 UTC from web
    11. @conventrix [h=red][c=yellow] ☭ ABUSING FORMATTING CODES IS ALSO FUN ☭ [/c][/h]

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:44:59 UTC from web
      1. @bitshift [b][i][u][s][c=red][h=blue]I AGREE COMPLETELY. ABUSE _ALL_ THE FORMATTING TAGS [/h][/c][/s][/u][/i][/b]

        Sunday, 13-May-12 03:46:11 UTC from IdentiCurse
    12. @conventrix I'unno. Random colors are fun.

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:48:35 UTC from IdentiCurse
    13. @conventrix [h=red][c=yellow][b]☭ COMMUNISM HOUR ON RDN, GOOOO ☭[/b][/c][/h]

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:48:50 UTC from web
      1. @bitshift [h=green][c=white]$ I prefer capitalism. $[/c][/h]

        Sunday, 13-May-12 03:53:18 UTC from web
    14. @conventrix I love that song so much you don't even know.

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:54:28 UTC from web
    15. @conventrix maybe you should get more [b][c=white][h=green]$ MONEY $[/h][/c][/b]

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:55:32 UTC from IdentiCurse
    16. @conventrix Go 1%! $ MONEY $ is best thing! xDDD

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:56:16 UTC from web
    17. @conventrix Hehe, the communist party picture in there. <3 (I have it as my desktop machine's background right now, still need to find a version correctly proportioned for my laptop.)

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:57:19 UTC from web
    18. @conventrix ...What are we talking about again?

      Sunday, 13-May-12 03:58:45 UTC from IdentiCurse
    19. @conventrix I don't pay attention to economic systems. They give me a headache.

      Sunday, 13-May-12 04:01:34 UTC from IdentiCurse