


    Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:16:19 UTC from web
    1. @rarity I'll take the guns and the ponies... and the flag, I could use high quality TP

      Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:17:29 UTC from web
      1. @awlderpy guns used to be so pretty

        Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:19:04 UTC from web
        1. @rarity Funny thing is they're all Russian

          Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:19:40 UTC from web
          1. @awlderpy Russian, German, what's the difference when you're full of stupidity!

            Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:20:18 UTC from web
            1. @rarity Damned straight.

              Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:21:26 UTC from web
          2. @awlderpy i own a moist nugget but it's in the states

            Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:20:55 UTC from web
            1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual oh yeah? What model, is it Russian too? I have a worthless Romanian training carbine model.

              Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:21:56 UTC from web
              1. @awlderpy it's a russian made m91 and doing some research on the serial no. shows it saw service in WW2 and in some other small things within the ussr

                Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:25:50 UTC from web
                1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual Still using 54R's? Mine was re-barreled to use NATO 7,62 which made it more inaccurate than it already was.

                  Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:27:05 UTC from web
                  1. @awlderpy If I remember correctly it was rebarreled for the NATO round but I also haven't seen it in >2years

                    Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:31:56 UTC from web
                    1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual A tremendous shame especially for a long-barrel model. You might actually be lucky in it retaining the Soviet round if it was indeed Russian and thrown in as surplus.

                      Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:33:36 UTC from web
                      1. @awlderpy it would but if I believe the rifle was used in ww2 then distributed to a bloc country who then would use it for show and as a tool to supress political dissidance.

                        Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:35:41 UTC from web
                        1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual Better chances than that of a weapon that was still used as a training carbine after said country switched to NATO rounds for trainers.

                          Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:37:18 UTC from web
    2. @rarity für mein führer. Heil Celestia.

      Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 10:17:56 UTC from web