

  1. @mushi you should see about getting "hatsune miku project diva f" in japanese. You don't really even need to know japanese to navigate it which means it is easy to use and can teach you some words. Plus you're able to hear a lot of spoken japanese attached to they lyrics at the bottom to help you learn even more words.

    Monday, 27-Jan-14 20:50:18 UTC from web
    1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual is that for vita or for ps3?

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 20:52:43 UTC from web
      1. @mushi both

        Monday, 27-Jan-14 20:59:19 UTC from web
        1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual cool, but i'm not sure if i want to buy her game >_>

          Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:09:28 UTC from web
          1. @mushi you got a problem with miku???

            Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:11:07 UTC from web
            1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual i got a problem with my pay check

              Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:11:55 UTC from web
              1. @mushi i know that feeling all to well

                Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:12:32 UTC from web
                1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual college life cukcs

                  Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:23:28 UTC from web
                  1. @mushi it really does

                    Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:25:54 UTC from web
                    1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual yeah, i'm not buying the game

                      Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:30:16 UTC from web
                      1. @mushi it is better than two games combined though. Do it for the miku. Miku is love.

                        Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:32:23 UTC from web
                        1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual i love R$188 more than i love miku

                          Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:33:21 UTC from web
                          1. @mushi ya? Well I love miku more than I love you and your R$188

                            Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:53:34 UTC from web
                            1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual Real women have curves! (not pixels)

                              Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:54:48 UTC from web
                              1. @scribus i never said I don't love real women. I just also happen to love miku.

                                Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:58:04 UTC from web
                                1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual That's fine, I just like to play around with the "real women have curves" line. Polygons are heresy!! D:<

                                  Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:58:45 UTC from web
                                  1. @scribus 3dpd

                                    Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:00:22 UTC from web
                            2. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual yes, a lot more

                              Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:11:53 UTC from web
                              1. @mushi でも、ムシたん大好きですね!

                                Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:18:29 UTC from web
                                1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual what does the tan mean again?

                                  Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:19:22 UTC from web
                                  1. @mushi it's an honorific like chan. You use it with people you just want to snuggle with. :3

                                    Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:20:35 UTC from web
                                    1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual dude O_o

                                      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:21:44 UTC from web
                                      1. @mushi lol.

                                        Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:22:37 UTC from web
                                        1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual ever played ni no kuni?

                                          Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:26:10 UTC from web
                                          1. @mushi which version?

                                            Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:28:31 UTC from web
                                            1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual is there more than one? i dont know, but i wanted to buy it

                                              Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:28:54 UTC from web
                                              1. @mushi the ds and ps3 versions are completely different but I'm not a huge fan

                                                Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:30:54 UTC from web
                                                1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual oooh, the ps3 version. i played the demo and i like, despite the weird battle system

                                                  Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:32:03 UTC from web
                                                  1. @mushi the battle system is to wierd for me.

                                                    Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:37:10 UTC from web
                                                    1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual it is too weird for everyone. well, maybe except for the ones who played magna carta

                                                      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:37:35 UTC from web
                                                      1. @mushi i wasn't a fan. I'm glad I rented it.

                                                        Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:41:48 UTC from web
                                                        1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual well, i cant rent games here

                                                          Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:43:17 UTC from web
              2. @mushi Who doesn't?

                Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:12:39 UTC from web
                1. @scribusno one, probably

                  Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:23:21 UTC from web
    2. @snowcone is this a refrence to…

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:56:11 UTC from web
    3. @snowcone perhaps he's a scorned lover

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 21:59:50 UTC from web
    4. @snowcone i approve of this. Whole heartedly.

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:01:51 UTC from web
    5. @snowcone i don't know. It just didn't click between me and the burrito.

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:03:22 UTC from web
    6. @snowcone you need help

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:13:11 UTC from web
    7. @snowcone that's pretty good. I've finished this video.

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:16:18 UTC from web
    8. @snowcone pls. Don't make me laugh.

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:19:11 UTC from web
    9. @snowcone you probably like Perine.

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:21:05 UTC from web
    10. @snowcone

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:25:18 UTC from web
    11. @snowcone you don't know Perine??? Pls

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:27:42 UTC from web
    12. @snowcone strike witches

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:31:25 UTC from web
    13. @snowcone try stoic and stupid! Did I mention they're all lesbians? Perrine is a apples. She's like the rarara of strike witches.

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:36:54 UTC from web
    14. @snowcone it is not. It's just ecchi. Also if you're watching it censored dole YOU YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:41:04 UTC from web
    15. @snowcone well. The censored shows boobs I think either way. The uncensored shows everything. #there is an episode in season 2 where one of the characters steals everyones panties. Oh my god the uncensored "panty" shots in that.

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:43:31 UTC from web
    16. @snowcone SHAD UP!

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:44:14 UTC from web
    17. @snowcone it's a quality show. On my top 10 list easily.

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:45:28 UTC from web
    18. @snowcone hang on i have something i want to pm you.

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:47:04 UTC from web
    19. @snowcone you know you love me.

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:49:32 UTC from web
    20. @snowcone so you can watch it of course. I have one with madoka too if you're interested. I actually sent it for laughs. I'm laughing right now.

      Monday, 27-Jan-14 22:50:46 UTC from web