

  1. It's good to know that, regardless of the drama raging on in the world (especially that which concerns Bronies), I can always come on here and chill with you all.

    Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:45:06 UTC from web
    1. @tenebarius And we love it when you pop in!

      Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:45:44 UTC from web
      1. @yodelerty haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

        Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:47:06 UTC from web
        1. @themoetyphoon what is your damage ross

          Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:47:27 UTC from web
          1. @yodelerty Damage, or 'quality that makes me an enjoyable person to be around'?

            Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:48:30 UTC from web
            1. @themoetyphoon Man I dunno, I can't tell the difference anymore

              Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:49:26 UTC from web
              1. @yodelerty I'm going to lean towards the latter, because I'd rather be a nut than someone who never talked.

                Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:50:58 UTC from web
                1. @themoetyphoon Well you have a habit of saying the right things anyway

                  Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:52:28 UTC from web
                  1. @yodelerty (´・ω・`)~

                    Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:52:53 UTC from web
                    1. @themoetyphoon Even if you're a bear sometimes

                      Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:53:34 UTC from web
                      1. @yodelerty Technically I'm always a bear.

                        Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:54:02 UTC from web
                        1. @themoetyphoon ...Panda. Flaming panda. Huh.

                          Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:54:44 UTC from web
                          1. @yodelerty Yup. The flames have stopped hurting for a while though.

                            Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:55:35 UTC from web
                            1. @themoetyphoon It's the first time you've been warm for a while or however that story goes

                              Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:56:03 UTC from web
      2. @yodelerty @themoetyphoon Heh. You guys are practically my family, anyways!

        Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:47:28 UTC from web
        1. @tenebarius <3

          Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:49:04 UTC from web
          1. @themoetyphoon <3

            Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:51:10 UTC from web
        2. @tenebarius You should drop by more often then

          Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:49:09 UTC from web
          1. @yodelerty You are absolutely right. I think I need to forsake tumblr and spend my time studying and on RDN instead.

            Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:51:01 UTC from web
            1. @tenebarius It's up to you, man. We'd be happy to see you more often for certain though!

              Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:53:15 UTC from web
              1. @yodelerty @themoetyphoon Aww ~

                Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:57:11 UTC from web
    2. @tenebarius We're always here. Well, I'm not now that I have work 5-6 days a week, but still.

      Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:45:53 UTC from web
    3. @tenebarius What's this brony drama?

      Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:51:23 UTC from web
      1. @extremedash Would you like the concise dictionary-sized edition, or the complete "congressional library" edition?

        Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:53:41 UTC from web
        1. @tenebarius I don't care. You can summarize if you want.

          Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:56:53 UTC from web
          1. @extremedash Down with Molestia, PinkiePony in general, PurpleTinker, the anti-brony association, the gentleman who made a video that detailed why bronies should be killed, and general upset about "spaghetti" are a few.

            Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:59:57 UTC from web
            1. @tenebarius wait so who cares about this stuff?

              Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 07:01:01 UTC from web
              1. @extremedash Amazingly.... a LOT of people.

                Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 07:01:50 UTC from web
                1. @tenebarius I guess I shouldn't be surprised that people in this fandom can be a bit oversensitive

                  Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 07:05:21 UTC from web
            2. @tenebarius I forget that not everyone's able to just ignore everything going on with the fandom.

              Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 07:01:54 UTC from web
    4. @tenebarius :)

      Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 06:52:24 UTC from web