

  1. Ross Is Pretty Butthurt Network™

    Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:39:54 UTC from web
    1. @theyurityphoon Ross Is Pretty Butthurt Network™

      Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:40:37 UTC from web
      1. @mastertdi d'aw.

        Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:42:12 UTC from web
        1. @theyurityphoon ~~

          Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:42:48 UTC from web
    2. @theyurityphoon Gross. Why?

      Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:40:50 UTC from web
      1. @extremedash Because I can't earn Awl's love ;; also because I had to waste an hour of my precious time cleaning up a fridge that had three sodas explode in it overnight. Oh also Sakura Trick latest ep was totally worth it.

        Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:42:02 UTC from web
        1. @theyurityphoon Oh that used to happen to me all the time in my mini fridge if it got too cold. They would freeze and burst everywhere.

          Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:43:43 UTC from web
          1. @extremedash that's exactly what happened. It was in my minifridge

            Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:46:21 UTC from web
            1. @theyurityphoon Yah you may want to change the temp in it

              Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:53:17 UTC from web
              1. @extremedash it's on 0 out of 7. It's the warmest it gets.

                Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:55:02 UTC from web
                1. @theyurityphoon Stare at it. That should make it warmer. I know that works on me.

                  Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:56:05 UTC from web
        2. @theyurityphoon no one earns it, it comes and goes with the tide.

          Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:43:47 UTC from web

            Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:46:59 UTC from web
            1. @theyurityphoon when you cease with weaboo terminology. Or however you spell that.

              Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:48:43 UTC from web
              1. @awl Looks like I won't be getting a tide anytime soon, then. You're too tsundere for me anyways. ;;

                Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:50:32 UTC from web
                1. @theyurityphoon i'll consider the both of us lucky.

                  Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 18:53:01 UTC from web