

  1. I am never going to upgrade/fix another family member's computer ever again. Today some 15 year old program my step dad uses broke. And apparently its my fault. "It worked fine until you upgraded it" YOU ASKED ME TO UPGRADE AND I EXPLAINED TO YOU THAT THE PROGRAMS YOU grapesING USE PROBABLY WON'T WORK!

    Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 00:24:08 UTC from web
    1. @datpolishguy You have my sympathies. I am in the same hell-hole. I have thought about writing disclaimers but... Well you just get the same shizzle that @vt3c is in regardless >_<

      Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 00:31:02 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker I really hate how people treat me as I'm a know it all tech and can fix anything. I'm just some 15 year old kid who just happens to be more interested in computers then most people.

        Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 00:38:28 UTC from web
    2. @vt3c If the manufacturers aren't idiots, yes they should.

      Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 00:39:50 UTC from web
    3. @oracle I tried Linux once. I don't understand how people are saying Linux is the future of gaming while I couldn't even get TF2 to run because installing graphics drivers is next to impossible.

      Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 00:43:59 UTC from web
    4. @vt3c Suggest LibreOffice him ;-).

      Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 03:39:03 UTC from