

  1. So it's been some time now sense I plunged myself into doing a cosplay, which I haven't done in a few years. Any who getting back into it and maybe this time for good, who knows might be fun once again. As for who I'm doing?, well its going to be Rarity. I've already got most of the stuff, just missing a few bits.

    Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 10:44:59 UTC from web
    1. @ivyjinx Ooh, I just did a Trixie cosplay myself. It was super fun, and everyone was surprisingly nice too.

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 10:46:08 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark I do hope it'll be fun and people would be nice.. Just that I am a little worried and concerned about me being a guy and part taking in dressing as the opposite gender, will have a negative impact.

        Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 10:52:03 UTC from web
        1. I'm a guy too~ Nobody said a single mean thing to me all day. (Well, except a Final Fantasy Black Mage who dared doubt my magical talents)

          Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 10:54:21 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark Well then I stand corrected, and I must say you look wonderful and pulled it off quite well.

            Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 10:56:48 UTC from web
            1. @ivyjinx Aww, thanks for saying!

              Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:02:27 UTC from web
        2. @ivyjinx I cosplay rainbow dash.

          Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:09:48 UTC from web
    2. @snowcone Literally posted from my desk at work

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 10:55:55 UTC from web
    3. @snowcone She says "Get better friends"

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 10:57:27 UTC from web
    4. @snowcone IT Administrator

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 10:59:07 UTC from web
    5. @snowcone Thank you and as do I likes your avatar. Dat mustash XD

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:00:54 UTC from web
    6. @snowcone Yeah. I manage the network for national company that will remain anonymous

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:02:00 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark so you're a dba? Do you guys use Oracle?

        Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:03:29 UTC from web
        1. @stardustalchemistwitchmeruru @snowcone Whilst I'm au-fait with MySQL and PHP (and a few other lightweight languages), I'm not that kind of tech. My specialty (and, for those of you who remember, my OC's cutie mark) is network architecture, administration and security.

          Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 21:38:36 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark so what kind of stuff did you tend to work with. What type of database do you guys use?

            Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 21:39:50 UTC from web
            1. @stardustalchemistwitchmeruru At the moment it's MS/T-SQL (Which is basically just regular SQL, but slower and more expensive). The equipment is basically all Windows stuff. I'm not sure I'd go the all MS route if I were building it from scratch, but I inherited it that way, so I've kept it that way.

              Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 21:41:20 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark i see. Isn't Oracle more efficent than T-SQL? I realize that'd be an expensive upgrade but depending on the company type it might be worth it. Also I might have opted for linux (I'm no linux nut I prefer regular os for home computing) because of it's added safety but like you said it's an inherited issue.

                Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 21:47:52 UTC from web
                1. @stardustalchemistwitchmeruru Define "Efficient". Yes, it could probably process queries slightly faster, but it costs an order of magnitude more and requires rarer, more expensive specialists to maintain and develop anything on top of it.

                  Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 21:50:35 UTC from web
                  1. @ceruleanspark i was thinking just speed. I'm neither a business man or a manager of anymore than 3 people so my view of efficent is pretty narrow to what gets done the fastest.

                    Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 21:54:34 UTC from web
                    1. @stardustalchemistwitchmeruru Raw speed is probably going to be optimized Mysql on an SSD with a well designed cache/OLAP cube

                      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 22:07:12 UTC from web
                      1. @ceruleanspark hmm… ya that makes sense. I only ask and am partial towards Oracle because of my opporotunity to get OCP certified

                        Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 22:36:03 UTC from web
    7. @snowcone i actually didn't see it but if you want I'll look at it.

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:10:09 UTC from web
    8. @snowcone i should ask, is it java based or no? There are a couple kinds of database programming so it makes a difference

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:11:23 UTC from web
    9. @snowcone honestly it looks good. I actually just started coding in php recently but I do have a pretty good knowledge of Java codeing so it makes it easier for me to use my "head compiler". If I looked really hard I might be able to find some slight efficency errors or places that it could have been coded simpilar but overall it looks to be pretty good to me.

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:19:33 UTC from web
      1. @stardustalchemistwitchmeruru #

        Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:20:26 UTC from web
    10. @snowcone technically no. I am with the Marines and am a Combat Engineer so formally my job is blowing stuff up and building stuff. Informally I've spent a lot of time with the it guys because they're a bit computer retarted and I'm supposed to help them with things. I was literally asked by one of the guys "why does the for loop have a : in it?" The fact that these guys maintain the databases that make sure I get payed and DON'T know for each loops scares me.

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:33:18 UTC from web
    11. @snowcone the it guys have me by the balls. They contacted my career planner and told him to try to get me to switch to an IT billet and even offer to pay for an OCP cert that I can take next year. "This guy got a 5 on the AP Java test. He knows more than all of the other enlisted guys combined we can't lose him to some other mos" is basically the thought process of all the officers their.

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:47:04 UTC from web
      1. @stardustalchemistwitchmeruru the jokr being my ap test I took back in highschool is now 3 years old. It's just the fact that it shows as a college credit on my profile along with the whopping 3 online cs credits I have to go with it.

        Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:48:50 UTC from web
    12. @snowcone i do too. On the bright side if I can't get into something better I always will have that going for me. Plus I can milk the reenlistment bonuses that way.

      Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 11:50:01 UTC from web