

  1. I just found the weirdest thing in my photobucket account...

    Wednesday, 25-May-11 06:48:09 UTC from web
    1. @zarkanorf *sees name of album and pulls out his character sheet* I wanna cast magic missle

      Wednesday, 25-May-11 06:49:49 UTC from web
      1. @delc17 WHO'S YOUR TARGET, DELC

        Wednesday, 25-May-11 06:50:25 UTC from web
        1. @zarkanorf IM ATTACKING THE DARKNESS

          Wednesday, 25-May-11 06:50:53 UTC from web
          1. @delc17 You instead cast Magic Missle on the Darkkness; he loses 5 HP.

            Wednesday, 25-May-11 06:51:49 UTC from web
    2. @zarkanorf oh yes.

      Wednesday, 25-May-11 06:49:55 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @carcinopony hahahaha

        Wednesday, 25-May-11 06:52:04 UTC from web
    3. @zarkanorf Why was this in there?

      Wednesday, 25-May-11 06:53:16 UTC from web
      1. @gear That's a VERY good question.

        Wednesday, 25-May-11 06:53:54 UTC from web
        1. @zarkanorf Hmmm...I think that everyone on RDN should link to the most interesting photo they have on Photobucket, ImageShack, or Flickr. Immediately.

          Wednesday, 25-May-11 06:59:23 UTC from web
          1. @gear Photobucket: | Tinypic is a tie... 1: 2:

            Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:05:03 UTC from web
            1. @zarkanorf I'm indifferent to you Gamzee...

              Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:06:16 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @carcinopony I still love the hOnK one. c:

                Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:07:42 UTC from web
                1. @zarkanorf I can't stand Gamzee right now, wasn't a fan in the first place, worse is hes my Patron Troll.

                  Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:09:18 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @carcinopony I loved Gamzee from the start, and his murdering antics makes me love him more~

                    Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:09:54 UTC from web
                    1. @zarkanorf I like Karkat (obviously) just kinda feel for him, the anger and what not. Funny that he wanted leadership actually as leadership is supposedly a Capricorn trait. Bleh.

                      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:13:44 UTC from StatusNet Android
                      1. @carcinopony I read that as "unicorn trait"

                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:15:23 UTC from web
                        1. @zarkanorf # ? :P

                          Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:16:40 UTC from StatusNet Android
                          1. @carcinopony PERHAPS

                            Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:17:32 UTC from web
                            1. @zarkanorf WE MUST REBUILD.

                              Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:18:39 UTC from StatusNet Android
                              1. @carcinopony This is a response to notice number 123456. I mangoes you not.

                                Thursday, 26-May-11 05:00:33 UTC from web
                                1. @zarkanorf Epiiiiic

                                  Thursday, 26-May-11 05:02:48 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                2. @zarkanorf Whaaa

                                  Thursday, 26-May-11 05:03:34 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                3. @zarkanorf @carcinopony also posted #

                                  Thursday, 26-May-11 05:03:37 UTC from web
                          2. @carcinopony #

                            Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:19:00 UTC from web
                            1. @moonprincess #

                              Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:20:18 UTC from StatusNet Android
                              1. @carcinopony # # # # # # # #

                                Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:20:53 UTC from web
                                1. @moonprincess # # # # # # # #' #

                                  Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:21:57 UTC from web
                                  1. @zarkanorf # # # # # # # # # #

                                    Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:22:50 UTC from web
                                    1. @moonprincess ffffffffffffffffffffff i give up

                                      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:23:01 UTC from web
                                      1. @moonprincess ok. :<

                                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:25:24 UTC from web
                                      2. THIS NEEDS TO BE A BANNER for !equdaily

                                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:25:56 UTC from web
                                      3. @moonprincess *pokes then runs off*

                                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:28:31 UTC from web
                                        1. @darkcore DAAAARK COOOORE -chases-

                                          Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:29:27 UTC from web
                                        2. @darkcore *points at wall* reveal yourself GHOST!

                                          Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:30:06 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                        3. @darkcore lol darkcore

                                          Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:30:28 UTC from web
                                          1. @zarkanorf @carcinopony @moonprincess Buwahahahaha Dark Core strikes again! Anywho, how's tricks yall =3

                                            Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:34:37 UTC from web
                                            1. @darkcore ? I'm not eating cereal?

                                              Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:35:45 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                              1. @carcinopony ohu <w<

                                                Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:36:31 UTC from web
                                                1. @darkcore fact is I should be sleeping. But I'm not feeling it. Late night calming, you know?

                                                  Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:38:09 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                  1. @carcinopony Indeed, though I'm not getting emails from here when I get replied to like I do on the RP site, any idea why?

                                                    Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:39:51 UTC from web
                                                    1. @darkcore you get Emails? Lucky. (that's a no)

                                                      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:40:54 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                      1. @carcinopony Yeah it's odd, I mean, the options to get em are there on here, but I don't get em, tis strange indeed

                                                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:42:03 UTC from web
                                                        1. @darkcore I only het emails from fan, which is rare. WHY YOU NO EMAIL ME DARK.

                                                          Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:43:36 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                          1. @carcinopony I don't hardly ever email anyone, I use IMs lol

                                                            Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:45:56 UTC from web
                                                            1. @darkcore I feel like an old guy.

                                                              Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:46:48 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                              1. @carcinopony don't feel bad we all get old sometime gramps (trolololo I kid of course x3)

                                                                Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:49:34 UTC from web
                                                                1. @darkcore I'M ALREADY HAVING THE GREY HAIR I AM!

                                                                  Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:51:09 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                  1. @carcinopony Grey Hair = Wisdom!

                                                                    Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:52:01 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @darkcore grey hair = sex appeal

                                                                      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:53:13 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                      1. @carcinopony obby obby? lol

                                                                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:53:55 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @darkcore obby?

                                                                          Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:55:13 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                          1. @carcinopony obby = Oh baby

                                                                            Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:55:47 UTC from web
                                                                            1. @darkcore ah, damn kids with your satanic death metal and Ke$ha

                                                                              Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:58:48 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                              1. @carcinopony lawl 'Back in my day the only thing satanic we had were the whispers in my mind!' <--random quote I made up just now.

                                                                                Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:59:52 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @darkcore I want pudding, let's get some

                                                                                  Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:01:48 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                  1. @carcinopony Totally would, but I can't has Dx, cursed lactose intolerance lol

                                                                                    Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:02:22 UTC from web
                                                                                    1. @darkcore that's NO GOOOOOD, well time to sleep.

                                                                                      Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:03:24 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                      1. @carcinopony Sleep well

                                                                                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:04:03 UTC from web
                                                                                    2. @darkcore I'm lactose intollerant too, and my favorite meal is from outback. New england clam chowder, Steak and 2 potatoes with CHEESE, !bacon and butter

                                                                                      Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:06:01 UTC from web
                                                                                      1. @delc17 that sounds A-grapesin-mazing, anything with !bacon is bound to be good; I just recently started buying some Almond Milk now and then, it's really good

                                                                                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:07:27 UTC from web
                                                                                        1. @darkcore it IS! But a bit expensive. with the way I tip, it comes to 35 dollars. I give 12 dollars tip. Mainly for 2 reasons. 1, I stay over an hour having dinner, so it takes up time, and 2nd, servers get paid like 1 to 2 dollars an hour and are dependant on tips to make a living wage. They need money more than politicians and stuff.

                                                                                          Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:09:33 UTC from web
                                                                                          1. @delc17 Ouch, that's rough

                                                                                            Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:11:04 UTC from web
                                                                                            1. @darkcore Yup. And not only that, but people don;t realize that they ALSO have to pay money to the server AND the bartender for each order. They give a percentage of what they make to them.

                                                                                              Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:11:55 UTC from web
                                                                                              1. @delc17 That's crazy, wow D=

                                                                                                Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:13:15 UTC from web
                                                                      2. @carcinoponywhaaaaaaaat?

                                                                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:55:29 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @zarkanorf something in yer mind?

                                                                          Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:57:54 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                          1. @carcinopony Hair.

                                                                            Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:59:15 UTC from web
                                                                            1. @zarkanorf yeah I dunno I just have some grey hair.

                                                                              Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:00:59 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                      2. @carcinopony I have my email notifications on but I only sometimes get them. Weird

                                                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:42:20 UTC from web
                                                        1. @ignaesia Shhh Carcino, always last to know.

                                                          Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:44:18 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                    2. @darkcore check the settings under email

                                                      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:41:45 UTC from web
                                                      1. @delc17 They're all checked, but they're just not getting sent to me

                                                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:42:32 UTC from web
                                                        1. @darkcore check spam. also check to make sure the email is correct

                                                          Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:43:26 UTC from web
                                                          1. @delc17 Yeah, it's all good, I'm just not getting them at all from here, it's no biggie though heh

                                                            Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:45:28 UTC from web
                                            2. @darkcore Uploading some stuff for @bigponymac to ponibooru, because I am awesome.

                                              Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:35:56 UTC from web
                                              1. @zarkanorf Groovy =3

                                                Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:37:14 UTC from web
                                    2. @moonprincess # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

                                      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:24:35 UTC from web
                                2. @moonprincess # # # # # # #

                                  Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:22:12 UTC from StatusNet Android
            2. @zarkanorf This only arises more questions than answers.

              Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:07:02 UTC from web
              1. @gear Such as? XD

                Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:07:56 UTC from web
                1. @zarkanorf 1 wut 2 really, whut 3 why? ...and whut? It's like I've stumbled upon a jpeg equivalent of crack.

                  Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:18:32 UTC from web
                  1. @gear That defines me pretty well.

                    Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:19:18 UTC from web
                    1. @zarkanorf *beep boop buup* Analyzation of subject: zarkanorf, complete. Saving data to memory banks. *whuuurrrr shhhhhhkkkt whuuuurrr shhhhkkkt tcha tcha tcha whuuuuuuuurr*

                      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:27:55 UTC from web
            3. @zarkanorf @delc17 Just so you know what's in mine...

              Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:50:53 UTC from web
              1. @gear HAHA good one.

                Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:51:24 UTC from web
                1. @delc17 ohmycelestiayouravatarisdifferent #

                  Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:53:31 UTC from web
                  1. @gear ok, gimme your honest opinion. Good? or bad

                    Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:54:18 UTC from web
                    1. @delc17 Applejack, all prettied up and not happy? Yes, very good.

                      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:58:03 UTC from web
    4. @abigpony That is my ex-friend Rissa as Gaston. Good eye~

      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:06:45 UTC from web
    5. @abigpony I heard #

      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:28:12 UTC from StatusNet Android
    6. @abigpony # is the best!

      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:28:54 UTC from web
    7. Oh wow... I ummm, accidentally the whole picture:

      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:30:14 UTC from web
    8. @abigpony # is amazing. Probably the greatest invention ever. It tops stryofoam, velcro, fire, the automatic transmission and beer.

      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:32:50 UTC from web
      1. @gear Even sliced bread? What about Nutella? PONIES?

        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:33:41 UTC from web
        1. @moonprincess Sliced bread? Yes, but only by a few tenths of a percent. It ties with Nutella. And Ponies? No. Never. Nothing beats Ponies. Coincidentally, Ponies are also how you win Rock Paper Scissors.

          Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:40:52 UTC from web
      2. @gear >things beating beer. OH YOU

        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:34:12 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @carcinopony Hehehe...

          Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:41:02 UTC from web
          1. @gear when school ends. It's beer week I tells ya.

            Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:42:23 UTC from StatusNet Android
            1. @carcinopony Beer week(end) starts on June 3rd for me, when I meet up with some pals at a con in Irvine. Being home has significantly diminished my chances of acquiring alcohol.

              Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:47:01 UTC from web
              1. @gear my father just bought a Jack Daniels that I haven't heard or, it was Tennessee honey and I was like "aww snap" bit he didn't open it when I was over. SOON MY PRECIOUS, SOOOOOON.

                Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:48:57 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @carcinopony Ohh, I saw a commercial for that. I've never been a whiskey fan, though.

                  Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:54:19 UTC from web
                  1. @gear whiskey was my alcohol fist.

                    Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:55:59 UTC from StatusNet Android
                    1. @carcinopony you have an alcohol fist?! #

                      Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:58:26 UTC from web
                      1. @gear wasn't a typo. Like virginity right?

                        Wednesday, 25-May-11 07:59:57 UTC from StatusNet Android
                        1. @carcinopony Yes, exactly like that.

                          Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:01:03 UTC from web
                          1. @gear sleep time I guess.

                            Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:02:29 UTC from StatusNet Android
                            1. @carcinopony same here brony, same here.

                              Wednesday, 25-May-11 08:09:34 UTC from web