

  1. Have you ever had an idea for a thing and you really want to make the thing but at the same time you don't because you don't think you could do it justice that's how I feel right now

    Tuesday, 15-Apr-14 06:38:38 UTC from web
    1. @thatonestocking Sometimes I get an urge to make music and I think that's basically what you're talking about

      Tuesday, 15-Apr-14 06:41:08 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada Okay, so I had an idea for not really a story or anything maybe a comic? I dunno. I can't draw. But it's basically the boy scouts except for Demons. Like, they have merit badges for possessing people and like resisting exorcisms and stuff. I just think it'd be really cool? I don't know. Who knows. Not me that's for sure.

        Tuesday, 15-Apr-14 06:43:23 UTC from web