Hi new to the group. Been looking for a friend that enjoys ponies as much as I do.
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 02:50:50 UTC from web-
Hi, @dashplushies! Are you making chocolate pudding?
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 02:51:27 UTC from the Egg Rock-
@welcomepony sadly I have no pudding to make haha.
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 02:56:06 UTC from web
@dashplushies Yo, welcome to the site. You'll find all sorts of folks here.
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 02:51:50 UTC from web-
@northernnarwhal Thank you :). It'll be nice to have someone to share my interests.
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 02:59:14 UTC from web-
@dashplushies What kind of stuff are you into?
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:00:10 UTC from web-
@northernnarwhal I like making plushies and stuff. I watch a lot of youtube letsplays. What about you?
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:03:37 UTC from web-
@dashplushies I'm an amateur musician and I like to watch anime/cartoons. I occasionally play video games as well.
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:04:32 UTC from web-
@northernnarwhal Thats so cool. What instrument? I play trumpet.
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:06:24 UTC from web-
@dashplushies Mostly keyboard and drums, but I'm learning guitar right now as well.
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:06:57 UTC from web-
@northernnarwhal Sounds like fun. What kinds of cartoons do you like?
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:11:03 UTC from web-
@dashplushies Off the top of my head, I really like Invader Zim, Animaniacs, and Gravity Falls (among others).
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:14:27 UTC from web-
@northernnarwhal Invader Zim was Wonderful it's a shame it was canceled. I've been meaning to get into gravity falls.
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:18:38 UTC from web-
@dashplushies Yes, it was short lived but excellent while it lasted. I like its twisted sense of humour.
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:23:25 UTC from web-
@northernnarwhal Ya and of obviously Gir was the best haha.
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:27:16 UTC from web-
@dashplushies I'M GONNA WATCH IT AGAIN
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:30:57 UTC from web-
@northernnarwhal I WAS THE TURKEY ALL ALONG
Sunday, 27-Apr-14 03:33:39 UTC from web