

  1. Well that's sad, im not cool enough to be on popular notice bar

    Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:12:08 UTC from web
    1. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline I am apparently am

      Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:12:46 UTC from web
    2. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline It takes an odd mixture of luck and timing.

      Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:13:32 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal and alcolol #

        Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:14:16 UTC from web
        1. @scribus That's just a performance enhancer. It's banned in National Popular Notice Tournaments.

          Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:15:39 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal Haha, GOOD! That ought to spare me all the embarassment!

            Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:28:53 UTC from web
      2. @northernnarwhal or just a conspiracy to implement melon spam

        Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:16:42 UTC from web