Thursday, 01-May-14 20:34:03 UTC from web
@redenchilada how do?
Thursday, 01-May-14 20:36:18 UTC from web-
@security Become part of the illuminati and I'll tell you
Thursday, 01-May-14 20:36:53 UTC from web-
@redenchilada obviously youre a fraud, or u wud noe ah am iloominaughty
Thursday, 01-May-14 20:37:39 UTC from web-
@security If you were illuminai then you'd know how to do
Thursday, 01-May-14 20:38:13 UTC from web-
Thursday, 01-May-14 20:39:05 UTC from web
Thursday, 01-May-14 20:40:26 UTC from web