Blackjack SECURITY (security)
@reaper ive only seen 2
@clayinthecarpet it takes your feels, curbs stomps them, shoots them, and leaves them in an alley to bleed out. Its intense. Hell, I cried at chapter 58. And 33 is one of the most brutal things I have ever read
@clayinthecarpet i love PH soooooooo much. Like, you dont even know
@clayinthecarpet Ill pay you in oral sex
Princess Celestia Being Deep is the best video out of our fandom in months. Oh my mangoesing god.
Finally figured out how to use the Fallout 3 script extender and have Steam realize I'm playing it at the same time. It was super obvious. Duuuur <--- me
I still havent seen the newest 4 episodes
@swiftperception noice
@anima going steamOS? not really my cup of tea, but good luck!
@twilisparkle45 well hellooooooo there
@mrmattimation Oh, he was an amazing leader. Almost took over the world. But he was a terrible person
Pretty cool song about the one and only Security Mare. Hell, I think even @reaper might dig it
@reaper oh yeah, uh, shame on them. the ones who do that. its, ummm, disgraceful. id never do that. nope
It is I, Blackjack, your friendly neighborhood timeline stalker! Whats a timeline, hell if I know, but I'm gonna keep stalkin' anyway
Monday, 05-May-14 20:10:54 UTC from web -
A merchant once tried to call me a good pony. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti
@reaper at this point im just finding stuff with real instruments
@redenchilada obviously youre a fraud, or u wud noe ah am iloominaughty
@redenchilada how do?
@reaper found another song for you
@reaper whenever i see a notification from you and click it, it shows up looking like that
Way to go, Overmare Studios. Way to go
Thursday, 01-May-14 19:51:29 UTC from web -
@rarity why not?
@reaper I have a PC with 32 gigs RAM, liquid cooled overclocked i7, and a GTX 780. Stoked to the max for this game
I have no idea how @reaper reads the text on his/her timeline
@reaper its not a mod, its a standalone game. And there is never too much FoE
@reaper love it! tiny tina is awesome