Indiana, USA
http://techieboy45.heliohost.orgHi there! I'm a brony, (slight) Whovian, otaku, gamer, and all-around geek. My favorite thing to to is PROGRAM (especially HTML) and my fave pony is Pinkie Pie, because she manages to be happy in just about every situation. Except in, you know, THAT fanfic. DX I identify most with Twilight, though, because we're both geeks and heavy readers. On a side note, I play the alto sax in band!
More details...A Random Pony (twilisparkle45)
@caret7 Pygame, sort of? I've seen people use it to create games, but I'm not sure about animations. http://www.pygame.org/news.html
@prussianrinharu Welcome to RDN! Post something and you'll be welcomed by the Welcome Pony bot.
There are so many S5E1+2 spoilers on my dash and iFunny sub feed that at this point, there's no need for me to actually watch the episode. Which is nice because the main video that was used to host the episodes on YT got taken down in the space of a night. :(
@redenchilada YAY GIMP
I'm flying on 2 planes (stopping in Atlanta of all places) to get home today while most of the people I know are in school right now. HAHA SUCKERS
The weirdest thing happened to my parents and I today. We were all (including my little bro) going to the Cabrillo National Monument down in southern California and as soon as we entered, our phones all told us something along the lines of "Welcome to Mexico" and we were like "dagrapes?" (not out loud). As it turns out, we were only like an hour away from the international border, which still doesn't explain why we may or may not have been charged for roaming.
Sunday, 04-Jan-15 01:24:28 UTC from web -
Welcome @djbronamite to !bandbronies!
Wednesday, 31-Dec-14 22:22:13 UTC from web -
@northernnarwhal I got Skyrim for Hanukkah (my family celebrates both that and Xmas, even though we're all agnostic) and I probably won't get to play it until like the 10th. :(
@mushi It's most likely the first one
@redenchilada I would play with you... IF MY PARENTS WOULD LET ME HAVE DOOM
So my family had some friends over last night. I ended up spending most of the discussion time reading fanfic on my Kindle. On a side note, go check out ElfCollaborator on FanFiction.net. He's absolutely hilarious.
Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 15:52:29 UTC from web -
@caret7 What kind of command would do that kind of searching (for dates in, say, a txt file)?
@caret7 May I ask how exactly that would work?
!coderponies On a often-used Mac, I left bash for zsh and installed oh-my-zsh (then left it for prezto) and antigen. ALL HAIL ZSH
When I come to the RDN page, I always think the horseshoe on the "open source" RD looks like a mustache.
@saintnichawlas what @rarity said.
@techdisk Try some Python. PY is love, PY is life.
Wow. It's been ages since I got on here.
Can someone who plays Fire Emblem: Awakening please help me out? I'm super stuck. See http://pastebin.com/d10NM9Hw for stats.
Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 16:18:21 UTC from web -
@mushi *raises eyebrows* What kind of test?
Friday, 21-Nov-14 22:33:37 UTC from web -
!coderponies So, I just created a free Koding VM to muck around with. Suggestions? @redenchilada It's sorta like DigitalOcean except it has a free plan and provides full-on SSH, so I may be able to create a Poképon server.
Friday, 21-Nov-14 00:36:53 UTC from web -
@m14brony Just like how cellists remember Pachelbel. With intense hate.
So, I just created a free Koding VM to muck around with. Suggestions? @redenchilada It's sorta like DigitalOcean except it has a free plan and provides full-on SSH, so I may be able to create a Poképon server.
Thursday, 20-Nov-14 00:45:12 UTC from web -
@m14brony Yes, PLEASE.
I just found out that the CHERUB series exists. Halp. Send cookies.
Wednesday, 19-Nov-14 11:41:02 UTC from web -
@ceruleanspark Did you, perchance, mean Howl's Moving Castle? I don't think it's actually flown yet.
@mrmattimation dole YEAH
@ceruleanspark Yey. If my parents weren't so stingy about opening ports on our router, I would have started hosting a LAMP server on one long ago.
@ceruleanspark Is that an RPi?