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!coderpony coderponies nolife
A place for all those ponies who have the computer cutie-mark! Be it C, C++, Java, Pascal, x86 Asm, Javascript, Python, all is welcome!
Coder Ponies! (coderpony) group
Gettin' my hands nerdy !nolife
Wednesday, 08-Mar-17 04:22:38 UTC from web -
Gonna re-write my QBASIC mouse breeding program from my last college English class as my first official C project. !coderponies
Wednesday, 01-Mar-17 04:42:50 UTC from web -
So now that I have internet-free time, I'm telling myself to learn C and make a Turbografx 16 homebrew game. !coderponies !vgp #thisprobablywontwork
Thursday, 09-Feb-17 20:54:51 UTC from web-
@scribus Sounds incredible. I'd start with a PC game first before delving into troubles with handling with the limitations of the console.
@adiwan With "incredible" I mean "fantastic". Poor choice of words on my part.
@adiwan Either way, I acknowledge the pie-in-the-sky aspect of my aspirations, even if I have no idea what "pie-in-the-sky" is really supposed to mean...
I finished my game jam entry. Now I sleep. Feel free to play and let me know if there are any issues, because I still technically have a couple of days to make changes.
Thursday, 19-May-16 05:59:48 UTC from web-
@redenchilada when returning to the the entrance below the 2 green doors I keep getting back to the previous room, I was able to exit by going faster,
Other than that I found no problem
Oh, and I loved that ending pic, totes dorbs -
@zennx Leaving while holding left, or holding nothing? I'll try to fix it after work
@redenchilada Looks like Ecco the dolphin, I was hoping you made a Parappa the rapper spinoff.
- The game is now somewhat playable! (WASD=move enter=dash)
Wednesday, 11-May-16 02:52:21 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Cant get past the first ke
@redenchilada Bounce quest. Also red door follows me around.
@redenchilada The parallax effect is cool as af
I sure love me some C# tho... (Any Unity devs up in here?)
Sunday, 20-Mar-16 22:50:31 UTC from web- internetturtle likes this.
@dolus I agree!
@taknamay Never heard of it. Looks really cool! I should share it with my class.
internetturtle likes this.
!coderpony $45 but if you can get this book used, it's a fun read if you like art, programming and geometry.
More importantly, !nolife
- Fixed a minor bug related to people deleting their posts
- Only mods can turn it on/off (Change the modList list as needed)
- Will no longer be run independently, so if a person is interested in it, get python, install modules, run it yourself on any OS (I think)Thursday, 25-Feb-16 05:01:47 UTC from web -
Lvbot II updated.
- Slightly cleaner
- Slightly more efficient
- Can turn the welcoming function on/off
- Less triggering and more PC welcome/congratulatory messages (Slightly)
- Make it so only mods can turn welcome functions on/off
- More efficient and clean
- More messages
- Find a way to make the bot reference Dwarf Fortress
- Considering making the bot post a single random message if no one has posted for three hoursTuesday, 23-Feb-16 17:31:30 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin By Cerulean, back when I made the first lvbot? He's still the admin, right?
@lvbot I'm not sure if permission then still equates to permission now, especially if you're considering this a separate project to the first lvbot.
@thelastgherkin 'Separate project' is a bit confusing since it's effectively just updating the old lvbot after sending to into Python, as well as how Cerulean's already aware of the welcome function. The complaints he made thusfar were the types of messages and how it welcomed new users when WelcomePony already did, so I already fixed that, now.
If you're talking about it posting a random message if no one else has over the past three hours, that's just an idea I'm currently toying with. If I decide to go with it, and flesh it out, I plan to ask Cerulean if he's fine with it being added, before I code it.
!nolife Current MMORPG clientless bot progress (Ragnarok Online), since RDN is becoming my code storage source, since I lost my CD and can't remember my github.
(It's for learning, I swear)., 18-Feb-16 18:35:55 UTC from web -
!nolife Also a general IP-finding toy from a programming race I did with a friend way back. Probably inefficient, for all you super-hackers out there., 23-Dec-15 23:01:16 UTC from web -
!nolife Scripts from when I started. Cleaned up just a bit.
Image-grabber for danbooru (Recently changed from google images!), and organizer designed to work with the images grabbed. Not user friendly. More of a reference than a tool at this point.
Organizer:, 17-Dec-15 22:31:24 UTC from web-
@lvbot I knew it was a good idea to put these here.
!nolife Final Lvbot code unless I work up creativity or the OCD to either add social-based functions or clean the code up a bit. (Passing user/pass as arguments instead of using global, for instance, is pretty awkward)., 26-Nov-15 01:40:30 UTC from web -
!nolife Lvbot II
More casual functions to be added. (Like special messages for Red)., 25-Nov-15 04:57:07 UTC from web -
!coderpony do any of you like Haskell? I'm trying to learn but it feels harder than Scheme
I'm trying to run this command in Bash... :(){ :|: & };:
...but it's saying "bash: :: command not found". Anyone else have this issue?, 06-Oct-15 09:46:49 UTC from web -
Sunday, 04-Oct-15 18:58:34 UTC from web -
Saturday, 03-Oct-15 23:31:32 UTC from web
- Keystroke likes this.
@redenchilada That's hilarious.
@redenchilada In case of fire,
* `sudo rm -rf /`
* leave building
* Hope it wasn't a drill.Light likes this. -
@keystroke Mercy on your soul if it wasn't a drill...
Thursday, 24-Sep-15 14:07:06 UTC from web
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wvarargs" // Trust me, I'm not a terrible coder... I think...
Friday, 28-Aug-15 00:53:43 UTC from web -
Anyone familiar with PostGIS? How to find US cities to use with it. I have PostGIS, my project is hooked up, and I have OpenJump for browsing data visually. !coderponies
Tuesday, 18-Aug-15 19:46:02 UTC from web - Here's a game I made !coderponies
Monday, 17-Aug-15 20:06:45 UTC from web-
@redenchilada I can't press play ;-;
@redenchilada Holy dole this is really good
@redenchilada This is really good and as hard as expected. Good job.
!coderpony Has anypony used Rust? Is it good for servers?
Sunday, 16-Aug-15 16:52:30 UTC from web-
@caret7 I have a friend who's obsessing over it right now, and its almost-never-segfaults mentality seems like it'd work well as a server-side language. I haven't tried it myself though, because it just seems so idiot-proofed that you'll spend too much time fighting with the compiler that could've been spent writing code.
!coderpony Is there a Python-written 2D animation program?
Sunday, 07-Jun-15 05:10:10 UTC from web-
@caret7 My copy of Flash is actually very heavily modified. I've got dozens of plugins and stuff installed to make things a little easier.
@caret7 Pygame, sort of? I've seen people use it to create games, but I'm not sure about animations.
@twilisparkle45 Thanks for the link. Sadly I'm looking for something more suitable for vectors, like Flash ^^
!vgp !coderponies !equestriagaming !important !streamers !eatrameninthecoldwhileupsidedown !twitchfaces The Diamonde Kwest DLC is finished! Get it now!
Wednesday, 01-Apr-15 16:22:01 UTC from web -
(define last (lambda (lst) (if (null? (cdr lst)) (car lst) (last (cdr lst)))))
Wednesday, 25-Mar-15 18:08:05 UTC from web-
@jakefromstatefarm I speak your language! last = lambda L: L[-1]
@caret7 2swaggy4me
@caret7 everytime I see lambda I think half life.
do {} while (0); triggers me
Saturday, 14-Mar-15 16:15:52 UTC from web- Light likes this.
- Light repeated this.
@redenchilada omfg
!coderpony Hi! Are there any python-written zcode compilers?
Thursday, 12-Mar-15 19:07:04 UTC from web -
@redenchilada Are there any objectives for the RDN source code that an intrepid mercenary programmer could contribute a patch for? !coderpony
Thursday, 26-Feb-15 00:21:45 UTC from web-
@redenchilada What should the editor do that the current one doesn't? I see from comparing parseFormatting to the buttons on the form itself that a lot of the features seem to already be implemented.
@loveydoe Just the current buttons and links. The idea would be letting people see what it looks like formatted, like message boards let you do.
@loveydoe I've got a few things, but they're not small project.s
Light likes this.