DJ Bronamite (djbronamite)
Swag Brony, do you live in Camas Washington? That's a requirement of the group
Thursday, 14-May-15 22:37:15 UTC from web -
@djbronamite That's bananasing sweet as mangoes.
@northernnarwhal I'm gonna test that, ok? kiwi
@northernnarwhal Could someone please tell me if that's true? I've seen so many people play jokes on other people by saying that sort of thing even though it isn't true.
@darkw00d I feel like there were male fans of MLP pre-FiM, but they weren't nearly as dedicated or awesome. Also, the term "Brony" was coined on 4chan after the start of FiM when the fandom started to really pick up.
@northernnarwhal Sweet.
@sonicboone56 Not that I've found, yet. I'm still relatively new here, too. I usually just check back in once in a while to see what crazy shenanigans have taken place.
@sonicboone56 Like the profile picture.
@cryxminx Tartarus yeah it will!
@mushi OMG professors with social lives! The end is neeeeeigh! (See what I did there?)
@techdisk I love how Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies have become actual character species in that game.
@caret7 Just because they use money doesn't mean they're capitalists. Because there are so many privately owned businesses (i.e. Sweet Apple Acres and Sugarcane Corner) that they seem to be capitalist.
@mrmattimation You mean this guy?
@yoseph 'sup Reese?
Thursday, 01-Jan-15 21:18:12 UTC from web -
@mastertdi He's the new Magnezone.
@thelastgherkin Except with limited retries. I may have to see that, is it on Netflix?
@mastertdi Eeyup
New Year's Resolution: To start carrying a screwdriver and players wherever I go. I tend to run into things that require them surprisingly often.
Wednesday, 31-Dec-14 17:06:30 UTC from web -
@rarity It looks a bit more like a puffin, actually.
@caret7 This is at least 20 times better than my drawings. Great job!