I have no idea how @reaper reads the text on his/her timeline
Thursday, 01-May-14 19:43:45 UTC from web-
@security I'm so close to forcing everyone to stare at their user designs on every page so people will stop using unreadable color schemes
Thursday, 01-May-14 19:45:20 UTC from web-
@redenchilada My user design is really cool though, so.
Thursday, 01-May-14 19:46:32 UTC from web-
why did you write Cool Tapes on your timeline?
Thursday, 01-May-14 19:48:19 UTC from web-
@rarity why not?
Thursday, 01-May-14 19:48:33 UTC from web -
@rarity Uh, hello? Maybe because I like cool tapes.
Thursday, 01-May-14 19:49:22 UTC from web
@redenchilada RDN Refresh custom style master race
Thursday, 01-May-14 19:47:07 UTC from web
@security The profile description is unreadable, but the timeline itself can be seen without much effort
Thursday, 01-May-14 19:46:33 UTC from web -
@security I didn't know anyone would be looking at my page XD. lol I'll fix it some other time. I'm rely busy doing nothing right now.
Thursday, 01-May-14 19:54:19 UTC from web-
@reaper whenever i see a notification from you and click it, it shows up looking like that
Thursday, 01-May-14 19:55:26 UTC from web