

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @greydragon412 Twilight levitating a cannon.

      Monday, 21-May-12 17:48:14 UTC from web
      1. @techdisk42 oh dear...

        Monday, 21-May-12 17:48:35 UTC from web
    2. @greydragon412 How about ponies being launched... from a cannon?

      Monday, 21-May-12 17:48:45 UTC from web
      1. @pawnheart how bout nuns launched over walls via catapult? Ninjas use them all the time, so did Bruce Lee. The contraptions are called nun-chucks.

        Monday, 21-May-12 17:50:24 UTC from web
    3. @greydragon412

      Monday, 21-May-12 17:48:51 UTC from web
      1. @techdisk42 lol

        Monday, 21-May-12 17:49:44 UTC from web
    4. @greydragon412 Ninja pinkie stealing treats from Celestia's table.

      Monday, 21-May-12 17:51:05 UTC from web
    5. @greydragon412 Hmm... Rd holds cannon, Fluttershy in cannon looking terrified.

      Monday, 21-May-12 18:13:03 UTC from web
      1. @techdisk42 :o

        Monday, 21-May-12 18:13:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    6. @greydragon412 lol, ya asked for canon, you got cannon.

      Monday, 21-May-12 18:14:33 UTC from web
    7. @greydragon412 I always have the bestest ideas!

      Monday, 21-May-12 18:15:54 UTC from web
    8. @greydragon412 Well... I was kinna joking through a lack of inspiration... I would find The CMCs coming out of a cannon pretty awesome, for some reason.

      Monday, 21-May-12 18:16:41 UTC from web
    9. @greydragon412 ...well, that's cool! Happy to have been of assistance!

      Monday, 21-May-12 18:18:34 UTC from web