

  1. The wedding had gone perfectly, as he had dreamed since he met her. Only remained the kiss. They both leaned towards eachother, cheeks turning red from nerves and expectation, it was about to finally happen. But then, Luna suddenly leaned back. Her blue mane began to twist and rip itself apart, the figure becoming more and more bulky, as if muscle-bound. What was not long ago a blue pony princess now stood disfigured, on two legs. The whole crowd looked at it terrified, as the boyfriend looked at the eyes of the creature with an expression that could only be described as utter shock. Then, the figure exploded, and where it stood now a tall, strong and buff figure stood. The blond, muscular man clad in yellow then shouted:
    "You thought you were marrying Luna? Ha! It was me, Dio!"

    Thursday, 26-Jun-14 03:53:39 UTC from web