

  1. If my laptop was clicking as though the HDD was going bad 6 days ago, and it stopped clicking and is still running now, does that mean I'm safe? Would the drive have failed by now, or is it still possible it will fail? I'm wondering if the click might not have been a fan that got un-gunked.

    Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 13:02:28 UTC from web
    1. @pony You can actually just check the health of your disk you know? If you download Speedfan and run it as administrator, you can just get an easy to read gauge

      Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 13:03:41 UTC from web
      1. @cinnamonswirl Is that usually accurate? I'm using a program called PassMark to run an extended Disk Self Test and it notes the DST isn't always relaible. Is SpeedFan better?

        Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 13:08:58 UTC from web
        1. @pony Speedfan makes the raw health stats of the drive clearly visible to you. The drives themselves define where their borderlines are, so it can flag up if they're "OK" or "FAIL" for you. You can also see how close they're getting. It will also perform an "Online analysis", where it will check your stats against the average stats of other users of the same model of drive.

          Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 13:11:56 UTC from web
          1. @cinnamonswirl Oh. I just discovered Norton has a feature that tells me when a program is "reliable" and Sppedfan is, apparently.

            Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 13:40:37 UTC from web