

  1. ...actually, none of what I do actually works on Linux, despite what that jackass Omni claims, so I guess I'm happy with anything that isn't that.

    Thursday, 10-Jul-14 02:45:16 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation You did sacrifice a chicken to RMS, right?

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 02:46:17 UTC from web
    2. @mrmattimation There's an unorthodox animation program called "Synfig Studio" which runs natively on Linux. However, it's source code is fat, it crashes often, and it doesn't support frame-by-frame work, which is seems to me like an essential part of quality animation. Still, it's pretty nice for tween-based things.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 02:49:14 UTC from web
      1. @loveydoe Oh yeah, I tried that program. It is hands-down one of the worse alternatives to Flash I've used.

        Thursday, 10-Jul-14 02:50:16 UTC from web
        1. @mrmattimation It's a work in progress for the team, hehe. One of the developers uses it to teach an animation class in Russia. His class made this:

          Thursday, 10-Jul-14 02:52:02 UTC from web
          1. @loveydoe That reminds me of South Park. Not in a good way.

            Thursday, 10-Jul-14 02:53:44 UTC from web
        2. @mrmattimation You may find a workflow of GIMP, Pencil2d, and Blender to be more suitable if you ever do animate in Linux. Pencil2d is an active branch of a frame-by-frame animating tool called Pencil, and it is much stabler and feature-rich than Pencil was. Works on Windows and Mac, too.

          Thursday, 10-Jul-14 03:11:04 UTC from web