

  1. Yeah I'll get hate mail every now and then and sometimes I die a little on the inside because I have a hard time with negative or just outright offensive critiques on my work. What can I say? I'm a very sensitive guy. Life of an artist, eh?

    Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 00:39:10 UTC from web
    1. @digitaldomain123 The proper response to hate mail is to find their OC and draw it being bisected

      Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 00:41:03 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada I really hate being an ugly person. And it pains me to even block someone even after they've been very rude to me and drawing a response like that only brings me to their level.

        Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 00:57:07 UTC from web
        1. @digitaldomain123 weenie. Butt seriously, there's no shame in responding to rudeness with a bit of abrasiveness. Obviously "draw their OC with its guts all over the floor" is a joke, but sometimes it doesn't make sense to just sit down and take it if someone's being an ass.

          Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 00:59:23 UTC from web
          1. @redenchilada I'm just a sensitive guy is all. I know how to ignore others and move on but sometimes it gets to me. I will not react in such a manner that will only fuel more trolls to hate my work for sport.

            Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 01:01:21 UTC from web
          2. @redenchilada In terms of acting like a savage in one of my drawings.

            Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 01:02:10 UTC from web
      2. @redenchilada Ah, that takes me back to January 2012!

        Wednesday, 27-Aug-14 16:47:56 UTC from web
    2. @vt3c Only if you want to...u.u

      Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 00:59:33 UTC from web
    3. @digitaldomain123 They're the ones that should be put down and insulted for making others feel like their own work they've spent so much time and dedication on feel like its no good.

      Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 01:01:46 UTC from web
      1. @tekkdan Welcome to the internet.

        Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 01:02:43 UTC from web
        1. @digitaldomain123 I know I'm just trying to say that you're work is and always will be better than just some random clueless person thinks of it.

          Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 01:06:26 UTC from web
          1. @tekkdan Correction meant to say your*.

            Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 01:06:51 UTC from web
            1. @tekkdan Don't worry about it. I'm no grammar Nazi.

              Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 01:23:42 UTC from web
              1. @digitaldomain123 I just went ahead and corrected it because I noticed it after I sent it, I figured better safe than sorry about hearing about it.

                Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 01:28:01 UTC from web
          2. @tekkdan Well there's always going to be trolls so I can't really do much about it other than blocking the person because reasoning with the person is something I'm not good at and it would only make me more of a wuss or whatever.

            Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 01:16:02 UTC from web
            1. @digitaldomain123 Yeah I understand what you mean, usually responding to a troll just ends up giving them what they wanted in the first place and that's your attention to them.

              Tuesday, 26-Aug-14 01:18:24 UTC from web