

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @widget Audiobooks? Those are real things? I thought they were just jokes the music industry created to keep people "interested" as they went through a dry spell. No, I haven't. I've seen "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People" though. I'm honestly not a listener of audiobooks.

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:09:28 UTC from web
    2. @widget Why would I waste away my life reading?

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:14:41 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony Because reading is fun

        Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:15:01 UTC from web
        1. @lightningnova

          Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:18:30 UTC from web
    3. @widget maybe your reading skills, but what kind of future has reading, much less books, in it?

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:16:57 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony widget is going to be a cliffnotes writer for a living

        Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:18:04 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada I don't even know what you're talking about.

          Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:19:54 UTC from web
          1. @abigpony Cliffnotes or whatever they're called. You'd have to read books to write condensed essential knowledge lists from them. If nothing else, you'd have to know how to skim.

            Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:21:05 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada If I need to read a book, I just read it really quickly. upon looking it up, it bears a striking resemblance to Sparknotes.

              Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:23:18 UTC from web
              1. @abigpony I think it's the print version. Use the terms interchangably, I guess.

                Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:23:54 UTC from web
    4. @widget It's apparently a parody of it to an extent. It honestly wasn't too stellar a movie.

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:17:31 UTC from web
    5. @widget If video games have taught me anything, it's that reading books will improve my abilities and/or give me magical powers.

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:17:37 UTC from web
    6. @widget Id rather just manipulate people more than infulence people

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:18:57 UTC from StatusNet Android
    7. @widget Reading can never teach you what no one has figured out yet. That's why I dont read much, I care about creating/dicovering the next thing.

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:20:53 UTC from StatusNet Android
    8. @widget I learn java by reading a whole lot of java and just noticing what works with what. Much easier.

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:21:51 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony That sounds like a horrible way to learn. You shoulda taken a high school course on the basics or something.

        Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:22:53 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada I take animation and we learn it, but I apparently recognize how things work in the script more than the teacher, so that's not much of a help.

          Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:24:08 UTC from web
          1. @abigpony My Animation teacher was the same way. It was hilarious, My APCS teacher on the other hand was awesome and made sure we were coding things _properly_.

            Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:25:32 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada APCS? what would qualify "properly"?

              Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:26:55 UTC from web
              1. @abigpony They don't go super-deep into the subject, but a good APCS teacher is guiding you with good coding practices.

                Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:28:16 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada I don't know what APCS IS.

                  Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:31:49 UTC from web
                  1. @abigpony Advanced Placement Computer Science (but really it's just Computer Science that happens to be good for an elective college credit. The class is easier than the stuff I took as a freshman.)

                    Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:33:30 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada my school does not have that class. They have no AP courses that involve computers in any way. In fact, pretty much all the computer teachers are pretty damn dumb.

                      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:36:01 UTC from web
                      1. @abigpony Ew, that's dumb. I feel sick just thinking about the idea. I feel sorry for you now :(

                        Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:36:50 UTC from web
                        1. @redenchilada They think google docs is the hypest bananas and rely on it for EVERYTHING. Also, their favorite student usually manages everything from the servers to the classes, so it's pretty hype. Noone can computer in California. It's Partyville.

                          Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:39:42 UTC from web
                          1. @abigpony One clueless kid in my web design class got out of _all of his work_ for the year by offering to set up WordPress for the teacher (and not even doing that right). Fortunately we haven't gotten into Google Docs... yet. They were working on replacing their email servers with Gmail at the end of the year, though. D:

                            Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:42:43 UTC from web
                            1. @redenchilada Google Apps is super sweet and trivially easy to implement. You literally point your mailservers MX records at google and wait

                              Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:43:33 UTC from web
                              1. @ceruleanspark Something about the concept of an _entire school_ switching to it just unsettles me, though. Plus they're slapping Chrome on all the computers and I prefer Firefox. :(

                                Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:45:29 UTC from web
                                1. @redenchilada I'd do it. I did plan to do it with my company

                                  Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:47:25 UTC from web
                                  1. @ceruleanspark It just feels weird to me to make an entire facility dependent on Google to function. I can see the practical use, though, since running an independent server is probably hard for a smaller-scale something to something bluh bluh I dunno what I'm saying at this point.

                                    Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:49:54 UTC from web
                                    1. @redenchilada Is it any weirder to be dependant on google than it is to be dependant on one probably aged exchange server in a cupboard somewhere? At least google can guarantee their apples will keep working through anything smaller than the apocolypse.

                                      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:50:59 UTC from web
                                      1. @ceruleanspark @bitshift Like I said (or at least tried to, curse my lack of sleep), I'm not much educated on how servers work, so I'm probably just being paranoid over nothing.

                                        Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:53:21 UTC from web
                                        1. @redenchilada Well, they are still dependent on Google, as you said. But I'm pretty sure Google aren't going away any time soon, so the only thing remaining is the possibility of snooping, which I find unlikely (and would be a possibility with anything except an in-house solution anyway).

                                          Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:56:27 UTC from web
                                2. @redenchilada Unless you seriously think Google is going to manually snoop through your emails (as opposed to having an automated system that selects adverts based on text patterns, and I'm not even sure if they even run that on Google Apps instances anyway), then it's just like any other web apps, except probably better quality than most others that educational establishments tend to select.

                                  Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:50:38 UTC from web
                              2. @ceruleanspark Pretty much this. GAfyD is wonderful, and I seriously have it set up on multiple domains right now. Like 6 or so.

                                Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:46:10 UTC from web
                            2. @redenchilada I got out of work for the year in website design because they used Wordpress and apparently no longer had need for a flash designer. I get out of projects in animation because the teacher fully knows I'm capable of doing them and I just am not given enough time to make decent ones. I pretty much don't do any work in the classes I'm most interested in.

                              Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:48:03 UTC from web
                              1. @abigpony Wordpress? What a wimpy class. My web teacher taught us straight HTML and CSS. (Well, at first. Then we moved onto Photoshop and Flash and all that and didn't even look at HTML again till finals, leaving most of the class confused and leaving me to explain everything to everyone because I'm enough of a chump to offer to do it)

                                Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:51:52 UTC from web
                                1. @redenchilada Well we learned HTML and we had to make 4 sites. I just got stuck being the only one who knew any flash and had to work on all 4 before they dropped me and now I'm workless. We learned HTML and Dreamweaver, but CSS is pretty simple and most of the people who were interested in the class picked it up elsewhere. once we got to making the websites, she just assumed we already knew flash and photoshop and stuff when we got down to things. We have about 10 kids in that class now that most of them dropped out, so it's all a lost cause anyway.

                                  Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:55:54 UTC from web
    9. @widget whenever my mom takes us to B&N I always pass the time by grabbing four programming textbooks and working my way through them

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:22:14 UTC from web
    10. @widget wat r gud design pattern

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:24:41 UTC from web
    11. @widget Design patterns? What a busta.

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:24:50 UTC from web
    12. @widget it's surprising how much more you learn about PHP when you're not piecing it together from the bits you get from people on RDN

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:31:06 UTC from web
    13. @widget Thats true, but my field is in robotics, a very new field. Sometimes you gotta just try something for yourself, before believing it will or will not work. Ill look at diagrams, javadocs, and data but I dont read too much into other peoples work. I find, from watching my teammates, reading and reduing other peoples work really inhibits outside the box thinking. Thats also why I didnt find schooling too useful, it doesnt teach you how to learn and discover things on your own.

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:33:01 UTC from StatusNet Android
    14. @widget If they dont find out they wont get mad is my philosophy haha

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:34:09 UTC from StatusNet Android
    15. @widget If I had the money I'd actually purchase all the textbooks I pick up at that store and get a better grasp of those three languages plus JQuery.

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:35:46 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada spoilers: enchilada has never used JQuery

        Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:36:05 UTC from web
    16. @widget ...I should probably get something for HTML and CSS too. JS, Java, and PHP.

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:39:55 UTC from IdentiCurse
    17. @widget I feel like paper books are the old method of getting information anyway. If I cannot {ctrl}f its not worth the time to find something. I feel like being able to sift through the bs and find the real usful information on the internet is a skill on its own.

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:48:04 UTC from StatusNet Android
    18. @widget Also, Chrome has an enterprise deployment/remote management tool, whereas Firefox doesn't (yet; Mozilla have said they want to add one, but it's not top priority).

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:52:55 UTC from web
    19. @widget I take solace in the fact that my school doesn't care what programs you run from a flash drive. *Firefox Portable, out of grooving nowhere*

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:54:27 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada aw yeah!

        Wednesday, 30-May-12 07:55:33 UTC from web
    20. @widget Im not one for gaining knowledge for "further down the road" I get knowledge as I need it. However, I'm aware that is not a good way of doing things and it may hurt me one day. But right now I'm the image of fast efficient learning ;D

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 08:01:41 UTC from StatusNet Android
    21. @widget I always loved it when books would say something along the lines of "it doesn't work exactly like that, but we'll cover that later." I always thought "thx for wasting my damn time." And that's when I lost faith in books. You gotta figure out what you dont know BEFORE you can truely learn imo.

      Wednesday, 30-May-12 08:20:32 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @starlightbolt ...Why are there two SMGs on your avatar's hooves?

        Wednesday, 30-May-12 08:23:43 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos Friendship has changed...

          Wednesday, 30-May-12 08:24:58 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @starlightbolt Oh, so it seems. It seems it's time for ponies to take up arms to protect their friendship.

            Wednesday, 30-May-12 08:25:42 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos Yeah you could say that

              Wednesday, 30-May-12 08:26:18 UTC from StatusNet Android