

  1. So I'm home alone and just got a call from my father who was frantically asking if I knew the phone numbers to any priests. From the white noise I suspect my dad is at the hospital and if he is then that means he's visiting my grandpa and if that's the case it's very likely my grandpa just went into critical.

    Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:29:06 UTC from web
    1. @northernnarwhal I'm sorry about that.

      Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:30:21 UTC from web
      1. @coutz This in a way doesn't surprise me, but I'm going to be really depressed when it does happen.

        Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:31:24 UTC from web
        1. @northernnarwhal Don't forget we are here for you if it comes to that

          Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:32:06 UTC from web
          1. @coutz Thank you

            Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:33:53 UTC from web
            1. @northernnarwhal :^)

              Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:35:11 UTC from web
        2. @northernnarwhal we are all here for you

          Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:32:53 UTC from web
          1. @rainbowdash3847 Thanks

            Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:34:17 UTC from web
    2. @northernnarwhal hopefully that's not the case

      Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:31:41 UTC from web
      1. @rainbowdash3847 It likely is, my grandfather hasn't exactly been fighting a winning battle as of late.

        Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:33:29 UTC from web
        1. @northernnarwhal he will pull through man just keep thinking that he will pull through and live.

          Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:36:37 UTC from web
          1. @rainbowdash3847 I'm not being pessimistic when I say that this is not likely the case. Better I start accepting it now.

            Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:37:48 UTC from web
            1. @northernnarwhal im not saying you are im just saying to try and keep some happy thoughts

              Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:38:23 UTC from web
              1. @rainbowdash3847 I think the happiest thoughts I can think right now is that he'll be in no pain.

                Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:39:22 UTC from web
                1. @northernnarwhal what ever you can mange, i'm also going through what you're going through my grandma is close to death she has maybe a year at most to live so i know the pain you are going though, if it helps.

                  Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:40:50 UTC from web
                  1. @rainbowdash3847 That's good to hear. I think part of the reason I sort of know my grandpa is on his last legs is because my father and I don't really talk a lot so it's odd for him to call me and even odder for him to desperately ask if I know the phone number for a priest when he knows I'm agnostic.

                    Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:42:28 UTC from web
                    1. @northernnarwhal well when if the time comes... we will always be here for you, right guys

                      Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:44:00 UTC from web
                      1. @rainbowdash3847 yup

                        Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:45:14 UTC from web
                      2. @rainbowdash3847 That's good to hear

                        Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:46:31 UTC from web
                        1. @northernnarwhal sorry if it sounds like im repeating my self but i just dont want anyone to fall into a pit of depression

                          Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:51:29 UTC from web
                          1. @rainbowdash3847 Eh, it wouldn't be the first time (or the last)

                            Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:52:53 UTC from web
                            1. @northernnarwhal wait... not the last

                              Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:53:42 UTC from web
                              1. @rainbowdash3847 It's a subtle way of saying I'll likely get depressed in the future too

                                Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:55:22 UTC from web
                                1. no no one day maybe tomorrow maybe in 2 years your life will take a turn for the better. And when it does it will be awesome so don't fell so bad just wait.

                                  Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:57:41 UTC from web
                                  1. @rainbowdash3847 I'm not saying it will be perpetually depressing, more of a peaks and valleys sort of scenario. That's the way it's always been.

                                    Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:59:27 UTC from web
                                    1. @northernnarwhal but i doesn't haft to be that way, you don't haft to have peaks and valleys you can just have peaks and only 1 or 2 valleys in your life time.

                                      Monday, 03-Nov-14 22:01:13 UTC from web
                                      1. @rainbowdash3847 It's fine, really.

                                        Monday, 03-Nov-14 22:03:16 UTC from web
                                        1. @northernnarwhal no you should rarely be sad and if you are sad it should never be something like depresion.

                                          Monday, 03-Nov-14 22:04:15 UTC from web
                                          1. @rainbowdash3847 I'd rather not go down this road right now because I imagine I'll only emerge more depressed than I was going into it.

                                            Monday, 03-Nov-14 22:05:19 UTC from web
                                            1. @northernnarwhal okay then. sry

                                              Monday, 03-Nov-14 22:05:41 UTC from web
                                              1. @rainbowdash3847 It's okay, you just wanted to help. But in all seriousness I'm fine.

                                                Monday, 03-Nov-14 22:06:43 UTC from web
                                                1. @northernnarwhal i know i know, its just i'm in a state of depression right now so i don't want other people going through what i'm going through.

                                                  Monday, 03-Nov-14 22:07:45 UTC from web
                                                  1. @rainbowdash3847 That's very considerate of you, it reminds me of someone I know

                                                    Monday, 03-Nov-14 22:08:38 UTC from web
                                                    1. @northernnarwhal thank you

                                                      Monday, 03-Nov-14 22:09:12 UTC from web
    3. @northernnarwhal Sorry man :/

      Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:32:08 UTC from web
      1. @mastertdi Cycle of life I guess

        Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:34:09 UTC from web
        1. @northernnarwhal Doesn't make it any less butts

          Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:34:33 UTC from web
          1. @mastertdi That's true, ugh

            Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:35:52 UTC from web
            1. @northernnarwhal I have been through this several times if that's any consolation at all, and also the obvious I am here for you

              Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:36:37 UTC from web
              1. @mastertdi My grandpa on the other side of my family died just last year and I've experienced a history of family deaths in the past, so I guess this isn't a new experience or anything but it's still kind of a bummer.

                Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:38:41 UTC from web
                1. @northernnarwhal I get ya. More than I'd like to

                  Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:39:24 UTC from web
                  1. @mastertdi There's this big family grave in Quebec I visit every year during the summer to pay respects.

                    Monday, 03-Nov-14 21:40:49 UTC from web