

  1. My Venezuelan friend actually got me to try these things her mom made called Tequenos and they're basically cheese sticks wrapped in dough and deep fried but god damn they're so good.

    Tuesday, 04-Nov-14 00:40:48 UTC from web
    1. @asiannarwhal That sounds like something that would make me fat again

      Tuesday, 04-Nov-14 00:41:17 UTC from web
      1. @mastertdi #

        Tuesday, 04-Nov-14 00:42:00 UTC from web
        1. @asiannarwhal If anything's going to kill me I'd be honoured if it was cheese

          Tuesday, 04-Nov-14 00:43:00 UTC from web
          1. @mastertdi That sounds like a cheesy way to die

            Tuesday, 04-Nov-14 00:45:43 UTC from web
    2. @asiannarwhal They do sound good

      Tuesday, 04-Nov-14 00:42:21 UTC from web