

  1. how is everypony?

    Thursday, 13-Nov-14 12:51:49 UTC from web
    1. @arcanepony43 Pretty good.

      Thursday, 13-Nov-14 12:52:00 UTC from web
      1. @mrmattimation Oh! I just saw that you posted here! XD That's good. Anything interesting? Or new?

        Thursday, 13-Nov-14 13:04:48 UTC from web
        1. @arcanepony43 Well, I have a dress rehearsal tonight for the fall One-Act festival, followed by two performances tomorrow and Saturday, and I'm really god damn nervous right now.

          Thursday, 13-Nov-14 13:05:50 UTC from web
          1. @mrmattimation Meditation is good for the soul, try it :)

            Thursday, 13-Nov-14 13:06:50 UTC from web
          2. @mrmattimation Oh god, I totally feel ya. That was me two days ago. We did our dress rehersal for our play a few days ago. We're performing all this week. We're doing a shakespeare play: a midsummernight's dream. I'm flute. And a festival? Cool! What's it like?

            Thursday, 13-Nov-14 13:08:44 UTC from web
            1. @arcanepony43 They call it a festival. It's basically the same as a regular play in that there are three acts, intermission, three more acts, but none of the acts have anything to do with each other and are all directed by and starring different people. Each act is anywhere between 15-25 minutes.

              Thursday, 13-Nov-14 13:14:25 UTC from web
          3. @mrmattimation Excuse me. FOUR days ago. >.<

            Thursday, 13-Nov-14 13:10:47 UTC from web