Woah this place is still a thing
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:27:32 UTC from web-
@clarity ye
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:27:44 UTC from web-
@yodelerty YOU. I KNOW YOU
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:41:52 UTC from web-
@clarity hello claire
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:42:00 UTC from web-
@yodelerty hiii dane. so formal. HELLO
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:43:20 UTC from web-
@clarity i'm sorry, hi there claire
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:43:46 UTC from web-
@yodelerty oh i was just joking you can say hi however you want, tbh. you could even say howdy, i dont mind
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:44:28 UTC from web-
@clarity okay, howdy claire, how you doing
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:45:06 UTC from web-
@yodelerty pretty okay. Would be better if this scarf looked nicer but i am doing my best. Oh also for physics I was supposed to make a car out of a mouse trap and i cant get it to work because I'm an idiot. BUT THIS SCARF IS ACTUALLY PRETTY OKAY OMG WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE IT IT'LL BE GREAT
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:46:53 UTC from web-
@clarity You're not an idiot, you just gotta keep working at it. And I can't wait to see the scarf
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:48:00 UTC from web-
@yodelerty I wanted to make it a really long scarf, but i ran out of yarn. But it's still nice!
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:53:18 UTC from web-
@clarity I bet it's the best, honestly.
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:53:41 UTC from web-
@yodelerty it'll keep you warm, which is what counts! ^-^ honestly i dont know how people with short hair live in cold climates. I just cut mine and i'm always freezing
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:54:46 UTC from web-
@clarity Usually wearing lots of layers or just dealing with cold
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:56:08 UTC from web-
@yodelerty :c That doesnt sound like fun. Move to california or something
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:58:04 UTC from web
@clarity yeah man
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:28:42 UTC from web-
@northernnarwhal wait... were we friends in some other life
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:42:10 UTC from web-
@clarity It's entirely possible
@northernnarwhal very interesting. FASCINATING, even
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:44:52 UTC from web-
@clarity So what are you up to?
@clarity Yes it is not dead
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:28:53 UTC from web-
@meloetta who are you
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:41:42 UTC from web-
@clarity omg claire do you not know me. I am gonna cry
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:42:06 UTC from web-
@meloetta yeah idk man sorry
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:42:41 UTC from web-
@clarity Stumpy Stumper Kyle idk those names might ring a bell
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:42:57 UTC from web-
@meloetta um no not especially.. are you sure we know each other?
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:43:48 UTC from web-
@clarity Yes claire, now I know you're just playing games.
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:44:05 UTC from web-
@meloetta excuse me how do you know my name
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:45:16 UTC from web-
@clarity I knew it for like years now claire
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:45:41 UTC from web-
@meloetta what even
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:47:10 UTC from web-
@clarity You removed me for some odd reason then had to re-add me.
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:48:01 UTC from web-
@meloetta I removed you? Hm.
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:52:37 UTC from web-
@clarity moo
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:52:46 UTC from web-
@meloetta I KNOW WHO YOU ARE
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:53:39 UTC from web-
@clarity Finally I was losing my singing voice
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:54:18 UTC from web-
@meloetta have you been singing?
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:55:03 UTC from web-
@clarity WHAT NO. maybe.... yes
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:55:39 UTC from web-
@meloetta I KNEW IT
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:58:12 UTC from web-
@clarity You know everything.
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:58:26 UTC from web
@clarity Never dead.
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:34:51 UTC from web-
@nerthos just like futurama.
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:35:23 UTC from web-
@derpy128 Or better yet, like the three stooges
Monday, 15-Dec-14 05:36:09 UTC from web