

  1. any recommendations for a good price animating tablet

    Thursday, 22-Jan-15 23:18:17 UTC from web
    1. @godsregret I don't know what you consider to be a good price but Wacom Bamboo is usually a good choice

      Thursday, 22-Jan-15 23:20:24 UTC from web
      1. @mastertdi one that if its too scratched I can replace it without a lightened pocket.

        Thursday, 22-Jan-15 23:22:41 UTC from web
        1. @godsregret Ah. I stand by my recommendation but maybe @mrmattimation or @scoot would be able to help you more than me.

          Thursday, 22-Jan-15 23:24:24 UTC from web
      2. @mastertdi They actually don't make those anymore. They were phased out and replaced with a low-end version of the Wacom Intuos

        Thursday, 22-Jan-15 23:24:08 UTC from web
        1. @mrmattimation Oh.

          Thursday, 22-Jan-15 23:24:52 UTC from web
          1. @mastertdi tand corrected. They still make em, but it's be re-purposed to be similar to Apple's Magic Trackpad.

            Thursday, 22-Jan-15 23:26:22 UTC from web
            1. @mrmattimation That doesn't sound optimal

              Thursday, 22-Jan-15 23:27:13 UTC from web
              1. @mastertdi The Small Intuos pen serves the same purpose as what used to be the Bamboo, though.

                Thursday, 22-Jan-15 23:27:54 UTC from web
                1. @mrmattimation So it seems

                  Thursday, 22-Jan-15 23:28:48 UTC from web