

  1. OH RIGHT! OXM gave Alien Isolation Game of the Year already! XD

    Sunday, 25-Jan-15 10:29:25 UTC from web
    1. @metaltao Honestly I gave Bayonetta 2 GotY, but Alien Isolation was pretty good too.

      Sunday, 25-Jan-15 10:31:56 UTC from web
      1. @pandabear I still haven't played Bayonetta 2 sadly. Alien: Isolation was honestly my GotY

        Sunday, 25-Jan-15 10:34:21 UTC from web
        1. @skyllie I guess I'm just not QUITE as into horror as you are.

          Sunday, 25-Jan-15 10:36:29 UTC from web
      2. @pandabear Bayonetta two was amazing! One of the flaws was regarding the troubling understanding the plot that is needed from the first, but holy hell, they thought of everything and gave you the first with the second game! The environments are lush I have heard! Also... HIGH! :3 How is you?

        Sunday, 25-Jan-15 10:35:04 UTC from web
        1. @metaltao The original Bayonetta is one of my favorite games ever, and Bayonetta 2 was honestly even better. Also, I'm doing alright.

          Sunday, 25-Jan-15 10:36:14 UTC from web
          1. @pandabear I like you, you answer all my questions! Just like Red! :D

            Sunday, 25-Jan-15 10:37:17 UTC from web
            1. @metaltao I try. I've never actually met Red but I've heard good things.

              Sunday, 25-Jan-15 10:39:44 UTC from web
              1. @pandabear You missed him by like... 30-15 minutes!

                Sunday, 25-Jan-15 10:40:02 UTC from web
              2. @pandabear You can lure Red by leaving a Sonic hat in the open

                Sunday, 25-Jan-15 10:40:30 UTC from web
              3. @pandabear Red is, as the kids say these days, "way past cool"

                Sunday, 25-Jan-15 10:42:30 UTC from web