

  1. Imagine if this was Twilight Sparkle Network and posts were called sparkles

    Sunday, 19-Apr-15 17:48:07 UTC from web
    1. @tiffany What if it was Rarity Network and every pepe was a rare pepe?

      Sunday, 19-Apr-15 17:49:24 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal Why are you the way that you are? I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.

        Sunday, 19-Apr-15 17:50:01 UTC from web
        1. @tiffany *stares at camera*

          Sunday, 19-Apr-15 17:51:07 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal How are you not murdered every hour

            Sunday, 19-Apr-15 17:51:23 UTC from web
    2. @tiffany it would be a lot better

      Sunday, 19-Apr-15 17:49:28 UTC from web
      1. @mushi I agree

        Sunday, 19-Apr-15 17:50:24 UTC from web
    3. @tiffany Fluffle Puff you tiff now I gotta do a banner for each of the mane 6

      Sunday, 19-Apr-15 17:49:53 UTC from web
      1. @coltz ~

        Sunday, 19-Apr-15 17:50:32 UTC from web
        1. @tiffany ^

          Sunday, 19-Apr-15 17:51:17 UTC from web