

  1. Just got blood taken :'c i hate needles!!

    Friday, 08-Jun-12 15:38:35 UTC from web
    1. @heartbeat D: I hate needles... #

      Friday, 08-Jun-12 15:41:37 UTC from web
      1. @derpyshy I hate needles to a degree I'd prefer getting cut with a knife to them...

        Friday, 08-Jun-12 15:47:41 UTC from web
        1. @hakupony I've avoid getting flu shots and get reallly sick sometimes in winter. I still prefer being epically sick than having a needle jabbed into me though. >.> #

          Friday, 08-Jun-12 15:49:02 UTC from web
          1. @minti Wow tense mix up much. I've avoided* got* in the*

            Friday, 08-Jun-12 15:49:59 UTC from web
          2. @minti Flu shots? I never had one in my life. I only get shots against Heatitis, Diphteria and such stuff - and even that just because I need it for my future job...

            Friday, 08-Jun-12 15:52:33 UTC from web
            1. @hakupony I've had flu shots before, but that's the limit of my willingness. (Plus I was forced to.) Anything more and nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope.

              Friday, 08-Jun-12 15:55:51 UTC from web
          3. @minti There are more practical reasons not to get flu shots. Half the time they don't work at all, they often have side-effects that are just as bad or worse than the flu, AND given the rate the flu virus likes to mutate they pose a significant risk of creating a supervirus that is immune to all forms of vaccination rather than contributing to wiping out the flu.

            Friday, 08-Jun-12 15:53:17 UTC from web
        2. @hakupony Me too :)

          Friday, 08-Jun-12 16:02:34 UTC from web
    2. @heartbeat sad face

      Friday, 08-Jun-12 15:42:47 UTC from web
    3. @heartbeat I too dont care for needles

      Friday, 08-Jun-12 15:43:18 UTC from web