

  1. If there's one thing I genuinely struggle with more than anything else when I write it's writing convincing dialogue. I kind of take for granted just how much of the writer's voice comes through when formulating dialogue, and the best dialogue always comes from having a great understanding the characters. Also composing dialogue works a lot like composing music where cadence and flow are crucial to your tone and silence is almost always a powerful tool to be utilized.

    Wednesday, 20-May-15 04:32:16 UTC from web
    1. @northernnarwhal Dialogue is impossible which is why I gave up on it

      Wednesday, 20-May-15 04:32:54 UTC from web
      1. @zazie Yeah, and dialogue can really make or break a narrative, since it's crucial to character construction. Getting to the point where you can write strong, convincing dialogue is when you really get into professional writing.

        Wednesday, 20-May-15 04:36:14 UTC from web