

  1. Can i just say?
    I really love meeting new people!

    Wednesday, 27-May-15 03:24:43 UTC from web
    1. @metaltao Me too! People are so unusual and varying, all products of so many wide reaching circumstances like age, class, ethnicity, cultural climate, familial ties, ideology, and faith, among others. People are great, and though we possess the capacity to form harmful relationships with others it's through the drive to meet people that we're able to form sentimentally meaningful bonds. I guess it's easy for someone like me to come off as a cynic at times, but ultimately I do love people.

      Wednesday, 27-May-15 03:34:23 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal I am introdued to an Untraditional Family setting with many people... I am very Confused but i love it. It is liek a family made up of smaller families helpng eahotehr if they need support. Emotional or otherwise.

        Wednesday, 27-May-15 03:49:10 UTC from web
        1. @metaltao Family is a beautiful thing, and it's a shame not everyone can have a functional one. I think one of the largest reasons my brother and I can reconcile so many of our differences is because we've both known each other for so long that we both have an intuitive understanding of each other's quirks and traits and have adapted to accept and even reinforce them mutually.

          Wednesday, 27-May-15 04:08:33 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal AYE! :D

            Wednesday, 27-May-15 04:16:26 UTC from web